Windows on Art signs agreement with Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa

Windows on Art becomes media partner of MuDEV - Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa, twenty-one museums in the heart of Tuscany.

Our newspaper has officially become media partner of the Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa (MuDEV), a museum system that brings together twenty-one museums in eleven municipalities in the heart of Tuscany: Capraia e Limite, Castelfiorentino, Cerreto Guidi, Certaldo, Empoli, Fucecchio, Gambassi Terme, Montaione, Montelupo Fiorentino Montespertoli and Vinci. Finestre sull’Arte will therefore have an eye on what happens in the museums of this corner of Tuscany: the agreement, signed in recent days, will last for a year.

We have decided to become a media partner of MuDEV because we are convinced that the principles that inspire our project are in line with the goals that MuDEV sets for itself: as scientific director Cinzia Compalati reminded us at the time of her appointment, it is about involving the community in museum practices, weaving relationships and talking to different audiences, even those who do not frequent museums and cultural settings. MuDEV is a project about an area that relies on a valuable heritage that is almost intact and waiting to be explored by a steadily growing public. As a media partner, we will continue to do our “traditional” work: doing quality dissemination to let our audience discover the artistic excellence of the territory.

In the meantime, we invite you to like the official Facebook page of the Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa, and to become followers of the Instagram account: every day curiosities, news and images from the twenty-one museums that make up the MuDEV, and which are as follows:

Capraia and Limite: Shipbuilding and Rowing Exhibition Center
Castelfiorentino: Museum of Santa Verdiana, BeGo Museum Benozzo Gozzoli
Cerreto Guidi: MuMeLoc - Museum of Local Memory
Certaldo: Casa di Boccaccio, Palazzo Pretorio, Museo del Chiodo
Empoli: Museo della Collegiata, Casa del Pontormo, MUVE - Museo del Vetro
Fucecchio: Civic Museum
Gambassi Terme: Permanent exhibition of glass
Montaione: Jerusalem of San Vivaldo, Civic Museum
Montelupo Fiorentino: Museum of Ceramics, Archaeological Museum
Montespertoli: Museum of Sacred Art, Amedeo Bassi Museum, Museum of Vine and Wine
Vinci: Museo Leonardiano, Leonardo’s Birthplace

Windows on Art signs agreement with Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa
Windows on Art signs agreement with Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa

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