The Lodi Ethical Photography Festival celebrates its 10th edition this year, sanctioning a path that has led it to be a recognized reference point within the European panorama of photography festivals. The goal the festival has set for itself is very simple: “to create a virtuous circuit capable of allowing photography to reach the public and speak to consciences.”
From next Oct. 5 to Oct. 27 are the dates of the festival.
This edition of the international festival aims to “increasingly spread the language of photography, and the cultural sensitivity that goes with it, among the non-expert,” say Alberto Prina and Aldo Mendichi who, with the Progetto Immagine Photography Group, organize the event.
“The ever-increasing success and participation (90,000 attendees last year, a real boom) at the Festival,” they say, “reward the choice to tell the world with images that can speak to a wide audience through the filter of the gaze of internationally award-winning photographers. Sometimes this gaze can be raw and unfiltered, while at other times it is mediated by a kind of visual poetics that slightly smooths the corners of reality to still return an idea of hope and sharing. In any case, the Festival is a confirmation of photography as the princely language of our time. It reaches quickly and with immediacy the sensibility of those who enjoy it, turning on the light bulb of reflection and discussion.”
This is confirmed by the unprecedented number and quality of works competing for the 2019 World Report Award: well over 600 entries arrived this year from photographers of 44 different nationalities, representing all continents.
The Jury composed of Alberto Prina - Festival of Ethical Photography, Aldo Mendichi - Festival of Ethical Photography, Rick Shaw - Former Director of POY, Pierre Fernandez - Multimedia Content Manager for AFP, Jon Jones - Head of Photography at Tortoise Media, arrived after the selection and evaluation of the works to announce the winners of the 7 categories that make up World Report Award: for the MASTER section, Darcy Padilla with the reportage Dreamers, a powerful portfolio on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation, considered the poorest place in America, where the community is struggling with the scourge of alcohol abuse and methamphetamine; for the SPOTLIGHT section, Senthil Kumaran Rajendran with the reportage Boundaries: Human and Tiger Conflict, which documents the far-from-easy relationship between tigers and people in India’s vast wilderness areas near sanctuaries; for the third SHORT STORY section, Germany’s Emile Ducke with the reportage Diagnosis, which tells of a medical train traveling through cities remote and underserved towns in Siberia, thus providing free health screening for the population; for the STUDENT section, the young German Arne Piepke with the reportage Faith, Custom and Homeland, which investigates the centuries-old, and unique, tradition of shooters’ clubs in Germany and festivals that strengthen a sense of community; for the new WORLD ITALY section, created just to celebrate the 10th edition of the Festival, Mariano Silletti wins with Serra Maggiore; for the SINGLE SHOT category the winner is Giulia Frigieri with the photograph entitled Surfing Iran; a special mention in the same category goes to Jo-Anne McArthur with the photograph Raabia&Puppy; and finally the NO PROFIT section that will award EMERGENCY with the reportage Zakhem-Ferite, The War at Home, Médecins du Monde Foundation with the reportage Unwanted Pregnancies among Adolescent Girls in Ivory Coast and Positive Change Can Happen with the reportage Living on a Dollar a Day: The Lives and Faces of the World’s Poor.
Also confirmed is the section A Look at the World, in which the Festival will instead dive into the events related to the news of the past year. There will be no shortage of sections dedicated to the In-depth Space, the Thematic Space and the Voglino Award.
Simultaneous with the Festival will take place FFE - OFF, a circuit of photographic exhibitions, displayed in stores, bars, restaurants, galleries, cultural clubs and public areas of the city.
The purpose of FFE - OFF is to enhance and disseminate the works of anyone who wants to propose their achievements. For this reason, there are no thematic or genre constraints, as FFE - OFF is not an extension of the main program of the Ethical Photography Festival. The call is open to professional and amateur photographers with no age restrictions.
For all information you can visit the official website of the event.
Ph. credit Darcy Padilla / Agence VU’
Source: release
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Lodi Ethical Photography Festival opens Oct. 5-27 |
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