Saype makes his highest work ever, at the foot of Mont Blanc

Saype, the artist who paints on grass with special all-natural and biodegradable paints, is creating his highest-ever work in the alpine pastures above the Skyway Mont Blanc mid-station.

Saype will create his tallest work ever, in the alpine pastures overlooking Skyway Mont Blanc’s middle station, the Pavillon. The artist who paints messages to humanity on grass and is considered the pioneer of a new movement linking land art and street art, world-famous for his giant masterpieces on grass visible only from above, is in Courmayeur in the days between late June and early July.

For Saype, Mont Blanc represents an ancestral place of magnificence and emotional serenity, a source of great inspiration that leads him to communicate the importance of the transmission of environmental and human values between generations.

It will be possible to view the temporary work from the cable car in July. The monumental fresco will not last long: in fact, the work will disappear as the grass grows. The paints, which he created to paint the frescoes on the grass, are totally natural and biodegradable, composed of charcoal, chalk and milk protein.

Photo by Valentin Flauraud.

Saype makes his highest work ever, at the foot of Mont Blanc
Saype makes his highest work ever, at the foot of Mont Blanc

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