Genoa hosts major conference on Caravaggio with leading Italian experts

On May 22, 2019, the conference 'Around Caravaggio's Ecce Homo from Palazzo Bianco' is held in Genoa, Italy, at Palazzo della Meridiana, with leading Italian experts on Caravaggio

On Wednesday, May 22, 2019, an important conference on Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi; Milan, 1571 - Porto Ercole, 1610) will be held in Genoa’s Palazzo della Meridiana, entitled Around Caravaggio’s Ecce Homo from Palazzo Bianco: it is a day of studies on the sidelines of the exhibition Caravaggio and the Genoese. Patrons, Collectors, Painters (of which you can read our review at this link). The conference, curated by Anna Orlando, is sponsored by the Associazione Amici di Palazzo della Meridiana and the City of Genoa, Department of Territorial Marketing, Cultural Policies and Youth Policies, and benefits from the patronage of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the Region of Liguria and the City of Genoa. For the occasion, theAssociazione Amici di Palazzo della Meridiana has also organized the loan of theEcce Homo attributed to Caravaggio and kept at the Convento dei Carmelitani Scalzi in Arenzano. The work will be on view alongside Palazzo Bianco’sEcce Homo (already loaned for the Palazzo della Meridiana exhibition) until the exhibition closes next June 24. Moreover, during the conference, participants will be able to access the exhibition with a reduced ticket.

Participation is free of charge but to attend the event, reservations are required at this link. Below is the full program for the day:

Welcoming remarks by Davide Viziano, president of the Palazzo della Meridiana Association
Greeting by Barbara Grosso, Councillor for Territorial Marketing, Cultural Policies and Youth Policies of the City of Genoa
Report on the 2003 restoration, Cristina Bonavera, Genoa, restorer
Notes on autography, possible dating and possible commissioning, Anna Orlando, exhibition curator

Tour of the exhibition (reduced ticket at €8 for conference participants)

12:30Lunch break

14:00Opening debate. Moderator: Lauro Magnani, University of Genoa. Speakers:
Rossella Vodret, Rome, former Special Superintendent for the Polo Museale Romano and curator of the exhibition Dentro Caravaggio(read review), 2017
Francesca Cappelletti, University of Ferrara, co-curator of the exhibition Caravaggio in Rome. Friends and Enemies (readreview), Paris 2018
Maria Cristina Terzaghi, University of Rome, Roma Tre, co-curator of the catalog Caravaggio a Roma. Friends and Enemies, Paris 2018 and the exhibition Caravaggio in Naples(read review), Naples 2019
Riccardo Lattuada, University of Campania ’Luigi Vanvitelli,’ Naples
Gianni Papi, Florence, art historian, independent researcher
Bert Treffers, Katholieke Universiteit, Nijmegen


Laura Stagno, University of Genoa, author of the catalog essay Caravaggio and Genoa. The Role of Giovanni Andrea I Doria Prince of Melfi.
Margherita Priarone and Raffaella Besta, conservators of the Strada Nuova Museums, authors of the essay in the catalog The debate on the Ecce Homo of Palazzo Bianco: history and critical fortune of a “find” between attributive vicissitude and hypothesis of provenance
Agnese Marengo, Milan, co-author of catalog essay Collecting Caravaggio in Genoa between originals and copies

19:00Closing of the proceedings (Anna Orlando)

Genoa hosts major conference on Caravaggio with leading Italian experts
Genoa hosts major conference on Caravaggio with leading Italian experts

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