An exhibition on futurism in Montepulciano, where Balla's Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash was born

In May 1912, Giacomo Balla painted one of his most famous works, Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash, in Montepulciano. More than 100 years later, Montepulciano commemorates this event with an exhibition dedicated to Futurism. 32 works will be on display at the Crociani Museum from July 15 to Sept. 30.

In May 1912, as a guest of the contessina Nerazzini, his Roman pupil, Giacomo Balla, among the founders and main authors of Futurism, painted in Montepulciano (Siena), the celebrated Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash, one of his best-known works, with which he began to study dynamic movement in depth. After 111 years, Giacomo Balla’s art returns to the city of Pole.

In fact, from July 15 to Sept. 30, the Museo Civico Pinacoteca Crociani hosts the exhibition Futuristi. Italian Avant-Garde. Giacomo Balla and the Futurist Idea, a “return” to Montepulciano with 32 works on display by the main authors of the Futurist movement including Umberto Boccioni, Fortunato De Pero, Roberto Baldesarri, Tullio Crali, Gerardo Dottori, Giulio D’Anna, Marisa Mori and Giacomo Balla.

The 32 paintings on display reflect the distinctive characteristics of the art movement, as they are works full of dynamic lines, bold geometric shapes and vivid colors, creating a sense of movement and high energy, in line with the European avant-garde movements of the early 20th century that were measuring themselves by breaking with academic traditions and confronting the new industrial age.

“A dynamic and dreamy kaleidoscope of colors,” comments Roberto Longi, director of the Museum. “This is how one can well define Futurism, a real movement of rupture in the Italian cultural scene at the dawn of the twentieth century. Stretching toward the future and modernity, it has solid roots in the literary creed forged by the poet and writer Filippo Tommaso Marinetti who, in 1909 in Paris, in the pages of ”Le Figaro,“ published the first Manifesto of Futurism. The renewal of Italian culture and art are well represented in this exhibition by more than 30 works ranging from the end of the first decade of the 20th century to the late 1930s, from the first Futurist artists to the propulsive depictions of the ’conquest of the skies’ of the Aerofuturist painters.”

“Montepulciano,” says Mayor Michele Angiolini, “is proud to present a varied and valuable collection of Futurist and Aerofuturist paintings, which offers a privileged look at the artistic and intellectual evolution of an artistic movement that, in its own way, was revolutionary and shook the foundations of traditional art in the early 20th century. With its emphasis on speed, technology, energy and modernity, the Futurists challenged the artistic conventions of their time The exhibition represents a unique opportunity for the people of Montepulciano and for the entire audience of visitors who will want to come to visit; they will be able to immerse themselves in the energy and innovation of the Futurists, as well as to discover (or rediscover) the many ’pearls’ contained in the Crociani Civic Art Gallery Museum.”

“The Municipality of Montepulciano,” says Councillor for Culture Lucia Musso, “recognizes the importance of promoting art and culture in our community, together with the cultural institutions and foundations that enliven the area; this exhibition is further, tangible, evidence of our commitment to bringing forward quality events of absolute importance.”

The Museo Civico Pinacoteca Crociani, at 10 Via Ricci, a short walk from Piazza Grande, is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., except Tuesdays.

An exhibition on futurism in Montepulciano, where Balla's Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash was born
An exhibition on futurism in Montepulciano, where Balla's Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash was born

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