De Pisis' poetry of the moment stars in Ferrara exhibition

An exhibition dedicated to De Pisis' artistic career will be held in Ferrara at the Pavilion of Contemporary Art.

Opening to the public on December 22, 2018 at the Ferrara Pavilion of Contemporary Art is the exhibition De Pisis. The Poetry of the Moment, which will close its doors on June 2, 2019.

The rich exhibition will display a selection of works from the “Filippo De Pisis” Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art to present visitors with the most significant stages of the painter’s artistic career. Thanks also to research conducted on the Raimondi Archive kept at theUniversity of Bologna, there will be a selection of letters, postcards and autographed texts that, from the 1920s to the 1950s, De Pisis sent to a fraternal friend, the Bolognese writer and critic Giuseppe Raimondi, useful for the chronological reconstruction of the artist’s career.

During his youth, De Pisis used literature as a tool to express thesoul of nature, objects, people and places, particularly Ferrara. Soul that he transposed into his paintings, as in Still Life with a Kingfisher (1925).

In his mature years, he transcribed on canvas the pure emotions he felt in front of the object of representation: examples include urban views, such as La Coupole (1928), still lif es such as The Rotten Fish (1928), or paintings such as Gladiolus Electrocuted (1930) and The Hare (1933).

Two major themes will be highlighted in the exhibition: ephebic beauty, represented with pencils or brushes on the sheets of a “diary for images,” and the dialogue between still lifes created by De Pisis and those depicted by Giovanni Boldini.

The exhibition, curated by Lorenza Roversi, will close with works from the period of his hospitalization in the Villa Fiorita clinic: among them, The Rose in the Bottle (1950), The Pears - Villa Fiorita (1953).

For info:

Hours: Tuesday through Sunday 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 to 6 p.m.

Tickets: Full 4 euros, reduced 2 euros. Free for under 18s.

Image: Filippo de Pisis, Still Life with the Kingfisher (1925; Oil on cardboard, 46 x 71.5 cm; Ferrara, Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea “Filippo de Pisis”)

De Pisis' poetry of the moment stars in Ferrara exhibition
De Pisis' poetry of the moment stars in Ferrara exhibition

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