From Rovaldi's New York to Buren's luminous new textiles: new exhibitions at GAMeC

New exhibition program at GAMeC in Bergamo announced: from Antonio Rovaldi's New York to Daniel Buren's new luminous textiles.

The 2020 exhibition program of GAMeC - Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo has been announced.

From February 13 to May 18, 2020, Antonio Rovaldi’s exhibition Il suono del becco del picchio (The Sound of the Woodpecker’s Beak), the second stage of the project End. Words from the Margins, New York City with which the artist won the fifth edition of theItalian Council. The exhibition, in collaboration with Harvard University, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen and Magazzino Italian Art in Cold Spring, aims to tell the story of New York City from the perspective of its margins. Rovaldi walked the five boroughs of the world’s most iconic metropolis exploring its most extreme boundaries and, through a photographic series, illustrated a complex, peripheral and little-known New York.

From June 4 to August 30, 2020, new fiber optic works by Daniel Buren, a celebrated French artist known for his environmental installations and textile works, will be presented for the first time in Italy. On this occasion, in the Sala delle Capriate of the Palazzo della Ragione in Bergamo, visitors will be able to admire the luminous textiles in which the geometric patterns characteristic of the artist’s production alternate. This is the most advanced outcome of an artistic research carried out for more than 50 years.

At the same time as Buren’s exhibition, In the forest, even the air breathes, curated by Abhijan Toto, winner of the 10th edition of the Lorenzo Bonaldi Prize for Art - EnterPrize, will open to the public. The project is inspired by the Forest Curriculum, an Earth-related philosophy that promotes the need for a localized cosmopolitan imagination of the current ecological era. It will focus on the cosmological systems of Zomia, a forested belt running from northeast India to the cordilleras of the Philippines, imagining new forms of politics and pedagogy for a more intimate relationship between humans and the Earth.

Finally, the exhibition Nothing is Lost is scheduled from October 22, 2020 to February 21, 2021. Art and Matter in Transformation, the second stage of the major multi-year exhibition project dedicated to the theme of matter. The exhibition, curated by Anna Daneri and Lorenzo Giusti, will present artists who have investigated the transformations of matter in order to reflect on change and time. It will feature allegorical seventeenth-century paintings, Dada and Surrealist works, up to the works of some of the most important exponents of the neo-avant-garde movements of the 1960s and 1970s, as well as Arte Povera, sculptures and installations by authors of the 1980s and recent research by international artists.

For info: https: //

Ph.Credit Antonio Rovaldi

From Rovaldi's New York to Buren's luminous new textiles: new exhibitions at GAMeC
From Rovaldi's New York to Buren's luminous new textiles: new exhibitions at GAMeC

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