Gabriele d'Annunzio and the Fiume enterprise on display in Trieste

From July 12 to November 3, 2019, the Salone degli Incanti in Trieste is hosting the exhibition 'Disobey. D'Annunzio's Revolution in Fiume 1919-1920'.

From July 12 to November 3, 2019 , the exhibition Disobbedisco. D’Annunzio’s Revolution in Fiume 1919-1920, which takes place in the spaces of the Salone degli Incanti.

The exhibition, curated by Giordano Bruno Guerri, president of Il Vittoriale degli Italiani, is the first event in an intense program of events aimed at celebrating the centenary of the Fiume Impresa led by Gabriele d’Annunzio in 1919-1920. The exhibition, promoted by the City of Trieste with the contribution of the Fondazione CRTrieste and the support of Trieste Trasporti spa, is a project of Contemplazioni with the artistic direction of Giovanni C. Lettini, Sara Pallavicini and Stefano Morelli.

The original purpose of the Fiuman Enterprise was to claim the city of Rijeka to the Kingdom of Italy, in the name of the values of the Mazzinian, Garibaldian, republican Risorgimento. The manner in which the action was conducted and the protagonists it involved, however, made that occupation a spectacular event, capable of capturing the attention of the world just emerging from World War I.

In Trieste, d’Annunzio experienced his first dangerous aerial feat during the war, and he dedicated numerous proclamations to the city until the victorious entry of Italian troops on November 4, 1918. In this setting, Rijeka and Trieste are defined as meeting places of cultures and eras, but above all as cities where the traditional patriotic cult turned into a revolutionary dream that, according to some readings, anticipated the avant-gardes, utopias and revolts of the 20th century.

The exhibition route unfolds inside a colossal metal-skin airship with an indefinite appearance, halfway between an aircraft and a submarine. This curious giant is reminiscent of the means used in the Vate’s heroic exploits. Upon entering, the environment becomes invaluable for storing the treasures, memories and fragments of history of the Fiuman enterprise. The great elegance of the interior spaces reflects the full D’Annunzio taste, in sharp contrast to the metallic appearance of the exterior.

Among the main themes: the social, artistic, youth revolution and, above all, women’s emancipation.

For all information you can visit the website of the Salone degli Incanti.

Gabriele d'Annunzio and the Fiume enterprise on display in Trieste
Gabriele d'Annunzio and the Fiume enterprise on display in Trieste

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