In Rome, a photo exhibition to discover the Chamber of Deputies

In Rome, in the halls of the House of Architecture at the Roman Aquarium, from Dec. 27, 2022 to Jan. 22, 2023 you can visit the exhibition "Discovering the Chamber of Deputies": photographs by Gianni Giansanti to discover the work and places of the lower chamber.

A photo exhibition to learn about the Chamber of Deputies. From Dec. 27, 2022 to Jan. 22, 2023, it will be possible to admire at the Casa dell’Architettura, Acquario Romano monumental complex, in the heart of the Esquilino district just a few steps from Termini Station, the exhibition Discovering the Chamber of Deputies, curated by Francesco Zizola, which displays thirty-two signature photographs by Gianni Giansanti, who became famous at only 21 years old with the famous shot of the discovery of Aldo Moro’s body in Via Caetani, Rome, in 1978. Since that date, he will document 30 years of national history and international events, winning 1st prize at World Press Photo with the reportage on Pope John Paul II’s private day. More awards and other reportages would follow in the years to follow that would take him between 2002 and 2004 to Africa, to the Omoin Valley in southern Ethiopia, in search of the origins of man. The exhibition is a project of Progetto Goldstein and Association “Musicarte&Natura,” is promoted by Casa dell’Architettura, Ordine degli Architetti, Acquario Romano with the support of Roma Capitale and with the support of Regione Lazio in collaboration with ICAS, Civita Mostre e Musei organization.

The exhibition starts with the section The Chamber at Work , which recounts the places of Montecitorio: the Transatlantic, the Art Nouveau-style Chamber, the halls, the offices filled with history and works of art, the inner courtyard, and the President’s library. It continues with The Behind the Scenes, photographs exploring the work of the Secretary General, the clerks, the reception rooms, the post office, the press room, the Police Operations Room, the Historical Archives, and the documentation center. The third section is The Election of the President of the Republic, through snapshots of the election of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi the story of the preparations, the joint meeting of the bureaus of the House and Senate, the stages of voting and counting. Finally, the final section is Doors Open at Montecitorio with the faces of those who can attend sessions to follow parliamentary work, training internships and visits for students, teachers and entrepreneurs.

“In ’99 I was 14 years old,” says Andrea Giansanti, Gianni’s son, “I was living my rebellious and arrogant adolescence, even in relation to my father, whom many respected and admired. For me he was a photographer, a normal thing. Yes, he had brought me close to Senna and introduced me to Jacques Villeneuve (I think I was one of the few Italian boys who cheered for the Williams team in F1), made me experience the miracle of San Gennaro up close and participate from the square in the Palio di Siena. At 7 years old. Yet his stories seemed to me to be of a normal and affordable life. Twenty-five years later the regret that I did not ask more of my father is much; I often discover new anecdotes and it is precisely the people who accompanied Gianni in his work (which was then his life) who share these moments with me.”

“Giansanti’s ability to place himself without judgment in front of what he represents, simply shooting according to a rare journalistic instinct and sensitivity, which still make his photographs of great emotional impact and topical, is the basis of his work,” says Fabio Morgan, curator of the Giansanti Archive. "Discovering the Chamber of Deputies commissioned him precisely by the Chamber of Deputies to tell the behind-the-scenes story of officialdom, so not only the work of the deputies, but also that of all the employees and all those who populate and live Montecitorio and the eight buildings that are part of it every day. Documenting the Standing Committees and the Councils,the visits of foreign delegations, the places and the people, to make the Chamber no longer a closed and mysterious place, because behind the Bernini facade of Palazzo Montecitorio, behind the’symbolic image familiar to all Italians and others, there is a Chamber of Deputies that precisely through these shots can be revealed and told to everyone, in Italy and abroad."

The exhibition opens Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Jan. 1 and 6. Free admission subject to availability. For info:

In Rome, a photo exhibition to discover the Chamber of Deputies
In Rome, a photo exhibition to discover the Chamber of Deputies

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