Latina dedicates a retrospective to the early years of Aligi Sassu's career

Spazio COMEL Arte Contemporanea in Latina presents a retrospective dedicated to the early years of Aligi Sassu's career.

From November 23 to December 15, 2019, Spazio COMEL Arte Contemporanea in Latina presents the exhibition Aligi Sassu works 1927-1941. Paintings on paper, inks, colored pencils, graphic works, curated by Maria Gabriella, Adriano Mazzola and Anna Pia Apilongo.

Twenty-four works, including drawings, inks, watercolors, tempera and graphic works, that the artist made in the period between 1927 and 1941 will be exhibited at the retrospective dedicated to Aligi Sassu.

The exhibition will focus on the early years of the Lombard artist’s long career, when he embarked on his artistic career alongside his friend Bruno Munari, encouraged by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, and participated in the Venice Biennale in 1928, when he was only 16 years old. It will therefore be an in-depth look at the works he created during his formative years and the early artistic influences through which Sassu developed his production.

"In these works by Aligi Sassu can be traced those inspirational references that would later be the cornerstones of his creative adventure and those traces of a personal identity that would make him unmistakable in the panorama of twentieth-century Italian art. Everything, or almost everything, about his register seems in fact to be outlined and even fulfilled in those very early years," commented Giorgio Agnisola, scientific curator of the exhibition.

He added, “Sassu revealed from the very beginning a strong expressive sensibility, both narrative and visionary, grounded in an inner pathos of great humanistic connotation. This gave the works, paintings as well as drawings, a cut of strong symbolic concentration, which on the other hand did not cover the descriptive and more properly narrative intent of the image.”

The brief futurist interlude whose dynamic forms he would perpetuate in later years, the use of color in a symbolic manner, and the choice of subjects, among which the Cyclists and Red Men series stand out, are just some of the elements visible in this retrospective.

The exhibition was made possible thanks to the willingness of Alfredo Paglione, Aligi Sassu’s brother-in-law and gallery owner, the valuable collaboration of the MuseAte Foundation and the Sassu Museum of the City of Atessa.

For info:

Hours: Daily from 5 to 8 p.m.

Free admission

Image: Aligi Sassu, The Actors (1934)

Latina dedicates a retrospective to the early years of Aligi Sassu's career
Latina dedicates a retrospective to the early years of Aligi Sassu's career

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