Small is beautiful: miniature art exhibition at Milan's Fabbrica del Vapore

The Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan is hosting, from May 9 to September 22, Small is Beautiful, the first international exhibition entirely devoted to miniature art, which brings together the works of 19 international artists and presents them to the general public: works of a few millimeters that can be seen with magnifying glasses.

The Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan hosts, from May 9 to September 22, Small is Beautiful, the first international exhibition entirely devoted tominiature art, bringing together the works of 19 international artists and presenting them to the general public. The exhibition offers access to the magical and sometimes unusual worlds of some of the movement’s greatest artists, giving us a new perspective on today’s world.

The exhibition is curated by its creator, Serge Victoria. Small is Beautiful represents an incredible journey through worlds reduced to the boundaries of the possible, strong in manic attention to detail and rich in poetry. The only real limit, in the small, blurs with the immense imagination of the authors of the works. The exhibition, established internationally, aims to introduce miniature art to the general public, but also to stimulate the emergence of a community ready to share all dimensions of art. Visitors will have the opportunity to discover some of the world’s smallest artwork, measuring a few millimeters and less, requiring the use of powerful magnifying glasses to be well observed and appreciated. To visit Small is Beautiful is to embark on a journey beyond reality, somewhat as if we humans move through a universe created at the size of an ant and where the unit of measurement is really, at most, the tip of a finger. Regarding the title of the exhibition, curator Serge Victoria comments on its origin in this way: "The expression Small is Beautiful was originally proposed by Leopold Kohr and used in the economics book Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered by Ernst Friedrich Schumacher (a student of Kohr’s, ed.) in 1973. to promote a return to a society proportionate to the size of the human being, in the face of the gigantism that has become the norm. Kohr was thus a forerunner of size reduction in multiple areas: economics, ecology, governance, and so on."

For all information, you can visit the official website of the Steam Factory.

Pictured: Slinkachu, Fantastic Voyage

Small is beautiful: miniature art exhibition at Milan's Fabbrica del Vapore
Small is beautiful: miniature art exhibition at Milan's Fabbrica del Vapore

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