Tapestries and washi paper kites: in Rome, the floating world of Anna Onesti

The House of Owls in Rome hosts Anna Onesti's floating world: tapestries and Japanese paper kites.

Anna Onesti’s floating world will be on display at the Casina delle Civette at the Villa Torlonia Museums: from April 2 to May 31, 2020, Un mondo fluttuante. Works on Paper by Anna Onesti, at which eight tapestries and eight Japanese paper kites made by the artist, who has been devoted to different and distant artistic traditions for more than two decades, will be presented.

The exhibition, curated by Alessia Ferraro and promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Crescita culturale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, under the patronage of the Fondazione Italia Giappone, pays homage to Japan, and the works on display are intended to be a bridge between various artistic traditions. They are works made on washi paper, using decorative techniques inspired by traditional fabric dyeing and learned during the artist’s time in Japan. Both tapestries and kites in the exhibition were made with washi paper obtained by processing kozo fibers and colors of plant origin, such as the blue of theindigofera tinctoria (ai), the purple of Brazilwood (suwo), the red of madder roots (akane), the yellow of the Amur tree (kihada), the brown of alder fruit (yashiya), the green of gall nuts (fushi), and the black of coal ink (sumi). The fibers of washi paper, which are long and soft, are able to impart depth to the materials used and give the color patches and traces of marks a light haze that softens the outlines. The technical processes used, such as imprinting, tracing, and dyeing by folding or binding, allow Anna Onesti to replicate her forms.

Lectures and guided tours led by the artist and curator are scheduled throughout the exhibition, as well as other events at the finissage.

For info: www.museivillatorlonia.it

Pictured, Green Tapestry by Anna Onesti.

Tapestries and washi paper kites: in Rome, the floating world of Anna Onesti
Tapestries and washi paper kites: in Rome, the floating world of Anna Onesti

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