Cultural property export reform is law: passed bill in Senate

The competition bill containing the export reform of cultural goods passes the Senate: the new measures are thus law.

As of today, the reform of the export of cultural goods, which we have discussed at length on these pages (in particular with a summary of the planned measures, an interview for and an interview against), is law. The competition bill, which contains the reform, has indeed obtained the confidence sought by the government in the Senate, which granted it with 146 votes in favor and 113 against. The ddl has thus passed and is law.

In addition to the export of cultural goods, there are important regulations on energy, freelancers, banks, the post office, pharmacies and more. It took a full 894 days for approval. Economic Development Minister Carlo Calenda commented, “The annual Law on the Market and Competition was approved today for the first time in Italy. After a troubled process of almost three years, it is an important signal of seriousness for the country. The law introduces significant innovations in the areas of insurance, professions, energy, communications, environment, transportation, tourism, post, banking and pharmacies with the aim of stimulating growth and productivity and enabling consumers to have access to goods and services at lower cost.”

Let us briefly recall the new features introduced by the reform of the export of cultural goods: increase from 50 to 70 years of age of the threshold for the Superintendency’s assessment for the purpose of granting the certificate of free movement (works less than 70 years old will therefore not have to be screened by officials before being exported); introduction of a threshold of 13.500 euros below which works will be able to circulate freely upon self-certification (the Superintendencies will be able to make spot checks); introduction of a “passport” for works, lasting five years, to facilitate their exit and return from and to the national territory.

Photo credit: VVox

Cultural property export reform is law: passed bill in Senate
Cultural property export reform is law: passed bill in Senate

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