Sangiuliano: we must preserve heritage but also make it an economic driver

First official engagements for new culture minister Gennaro Sangiuliano: visits to the Jewish Museum in Rome and then, in Naples, to the house of Benedetto Croce and the MANN. And some important statements: "we must preserve heritage but also make it an economic driver," he said.

First engagements for Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano, who made some statements to Rai about his next steps, and the value his ministry will place on culture. Sangiuliano, after visiting the Synagogue and the Jewish Museum in Rome this morning, let it be known that tomorrow he will visit the home of Benedetto Croce and the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, his hometown. At the end of the visit to the MANN there will also be a quick point with the press.

“Naples,” he told Rai, “is my city, I was born next to the National Archaeological Museum, which I will visit again, after having done so many, many times tomorrow: it is one of the greatest testimonies to the civilization of Magna Graecia. First, however, I will go to what used to be the House of Benedetto Croce and now houses the Italian Institute for Historical Studies because I have always called myself an admirer, an admirer, as well as a little scholar of Benedetto Croce’s thought. Tomorrow is also a significant date: we all know that October 28 is the anniversary of the March on Rome, and Benedetto Croce was the author of the manifesto of anti-fascist intellectuals.”

“There is no such thing,” the minister went on to conclude, “an individual who is divorced from the sediment of his own family history, but above all of national history. We are first and foremost Italians. We are the greatest cultural superpower in the world. We have, I make a trite statement that so many have made, the greatest artistic and cultural heritage on the planet. We have to preserve it, conserve it and care for it, but also make it usable and make it a great economic driver. I think culture can add a significant amount of GDP to the Italian economy.”

Sangiuliano: we must preserve heritage but also make it an economic driver
Sangiuliano: we must preserve heritage but also make it an economic driver

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