All the articles by Silvia Mazza on Finestre sull'Arte

Silvia Mazza
Storica dell’arte e giornalista, scrive su “Il Giornale dell’Arte”, “Il Giornale dell’Architettura” e “The Art Newspaper”. Le sue inchieste sono state citate dal “Corriere della Sera” e  dal compianto Folco Quilici  nel suo ultimo libro Tutt'attorno la Sicilia: Un'avventura di mare (Utet, Torino 2017). Come opinionista specializzata interviene spesso sulla stampa siciliana (“Gazzetta del Sud”, “Il Giornale di Sicilia”, “La Sicilia”, etc.). Dal 2006 al 2012 è stata corrispondente per il quotidiano “America Oggi” (New Jersey), titolare della rubrica di “Arte e Cultura” del magazine domenicale “Oggi 7”. Con un diploma di Specializzazione in Storia dell’Arte Medievale e Moderna, ha una formazione specifica nel campo della conservazione del patrimonio culturale (Carta del Rischio).

If the Catania superintendence organizes an exhibition. How it is "From the monasteries and convents."

If the Catania superintendence organizes an exhibition. How it is "From the monasteries and convents."

When it is a superintendency that puts together an exhibition, there is a double guarantee that no other exhibition event will be able to give the visitor: the absolute certainty that the project has a solid scientific reason behind it and is not tic...
Following Caravaggio: how his language spread to Sicily. The exhibition in Messina

Following Caravaggio: how his language spread to Sicily. The exhibition in Messina

Severe and Miraculous. Following Caravaggio "with vigorous and dyed manner, " from July 28 to October 14 at MuMe, Regional Museum of Messina, is an exhibition with something of another era. The dry and rigorous set-up concedes nothing to the expectat...
Alessandra Guerrini (National Museums Genoa): completely untether museums from superintendencies

Alessandra Guerrini (National Museums Genoa): completely untether museums from superintendencies

It is one of the largest seventeenth- and eighteenth-century architectural complexes in Genoa, with reception halls complete with frescoes, stuccoes, paintings, sculptures, furniture and furnishings that belonged to the noble and royal families who i...
Paola D'Agostino (Bargello): the MiC staff should be strengthened and those who work seriously should be rewarded

Paola D'Agostino (Bargello): the MiC staff should be strengthened and those who work seriously should be rewarded

The news had been circulating for a few weeks, and indeed the new Prime Ministerial Decree has expanded the podium of autonomous super-museums to include the Bargello Museums, the focus of our new interview with director Paola D'Agostino. An advancem...
Stefano L'Occaso (Ducal Palace): Autonomy has given us a new way of looking at things

Stefano L'Occaso (Ducal Palace): Autonomy has given us a new way of looking at things

We had launched our survey to take stock almost ten years after the Franceschini Reform before the public selection for the position of director of autonomous museums came out. Now that the public selection is underway our interviews with outgoing di...
Inquiry into museum reform, part 4. Tiziana Maffei (Reggia di Caserta) speaks.

Inquiry into museum reform, part 4. Tiziana Maffei (Reggia di Caserta) speaks.

Architects, art historians, hydraulic, electrical and management engineers, landscape conservators, botanists, agronomists, stone restorers and rup. The Royal Palace of Caserta, an immense royal residence, Italy's Versailles, behind its Baroque splen...
Inquiry into museum reform, part 3. Martina Bagnoli (Estensi Galleries) speaks.

Inquiry into museum reform, part 3. Martina Bagnoli (Estensi Galleries) speaks.

"Digitization of the collections not as an appendix but as an essential tool of research and enhancement" and making the visitor experience "memorable": these are the two distinctive traits Martina Bagnoli claims in her direction of the Estense Galle...
The Portella della Ginestra Anti-Mafia Memorial: a page in the history of protection written

The Portella della Ginestra Anti-Mafia Memorial: a page in the history of protection written

On May 3 in the Pier Santi Mattarella Hall of the Sicilian Regional Assembly, Ars, in Palermo, a page was written in the history of Sicilian cultural heritage protection. And of the entire nation. During the conference The Portella della Ginestra Mem...

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