All the articles by Federico Giannini, Ilaria Baratta on Finestre sull'Arte

Gli articoli firmati Finestre sull'Arte sono scritti a quattro mani da Federico Giannini e Ilaria Baratta. Insieme abbiamo fondato Finestre sull'Arte nel 2009. Clicca qui per scoprire chi siamo

Niccolo Puccini, an early 19th century patron: "the rich are the stewards of the poor"

Niccolo Puccini, an early 19th century patron: "the rich are the stewards of the poor"

In the heart of Pistoia's historic center, in Piazzetta Spirito Santo, just a stone's throw from the Cathedral, stands a 19th-century monument dedicated to Niccolò Forteguerri, a Pistoiese cardinal who lived in the 15th century and was known f...
Jacopo della Quercia's Madonna in Anghiari: a sculpture...versatile.

Jacopo della Quercia's Madonna in Anghiari: a sculpture...versatile.

A marvelous Renaissance wooden sculpture has been enriching the state heritage since 1977: it is the Madonna and Child by Jacopo della Quercia (Siena, c. 1374 - 1438), purchased that year by the Superintendency of Arezzo and now the most important wo...
The Pisa sinopites. what they are, what they were used for, how they were discovered

The Pisa sinopites. what they are, what they were used for, how they were discovered

A collection that is widely described as "unique in the world": that of the Museo delle Sinopie in Pisa, consisting entirely of sinopites. One could define sinopia as the preparatory drawing of a fresco: it is one of the least known elements of medie...
Titian's Venus of Urbino, a masterpiece of ambiguity

Titian's Venus of Urbino, a masterpiece of ambiguity

When one thinks of the goddesses of beauty that adorn the walls of the Uffizi, the best known is surely Botticelli's Venus, which has become something of a symbol of the Renaissance itself, but no less important is another apex of Renaissance paintin...
How Pandolfo Petrucci's patronage changed the face of Siena in the Renaissance

How Pandolfo Petrucci's patronage changed the face of Siena in the Renaissance

A patron so splendid that he earned the appellation "Magnifico." Pandolfo Petrucci (Siena, 1452 - San Quirico d'Orcia, 1512) was one of the most powerful men in late 15th-century Siena , and his activities in the arts contributed substantially to sh...
A lesson in dance in eighteenth-century Venice: the celebrated work of Pietro Longhi

A lesson in dance in eighteenth-century Venice: the celebrated work of Pietro Longhi

Those who want to know the social life of 18th-century Venice , entering the homes of the nobles and bourgeoisie, the places they frequented, understanding how they spent their days, what their activities were and what their pastimes were, should ind...
Entrepreneurs and art patrons of today's Tuscany: who they are and what they do

Entrepreneurs and art patrons of today's Tuscany: who they are and what they do

Tuscany is not only celebrated for its beautiful landscapes and unparalleled artistic heritage, but also for a tradition of patronage that has spanned the centuries. Today, this noble practice finds expression in modern business and professional patr...
Sandro Botticelli's Primavera, the very image of the beautiful season

Sandro Botticelli's Primavera, the very image of the beautiful season

When one thinks of a work of art that succeeds in embodying the essence of spring, probably the image that will most easily come to mind will be that of Botticelli's Primavera , at the risk of being a bit trite. Few paintings, however, have reached t...

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