Gaggia-Dubbini duo wins Arteam Cup 2022 with work Golpe

The Gaggia-Dubbini duo won the 2022 edition of Arteam Cup and also triumphed in the Sculpture section. Nataly Maier and Narda Zapata win in the Painting and Photography categories, respectively.

The exhibition of the 70 finalists of Arteam Cup 2022, the national art competition promoted by theArteam Cultural Association of Albissola Marina (SV), ended with the announcement of the winners. The seventh edition of the Prize was hosted for the first time in Savona, inside the Commissioner’s Palace on the Priamàr Fortress. The overall winner of the cup is the Gaggia-Dubbini duo, which triumphed in the Sculpture section, won the Espoarte Prize, and won the 2022 edition of Arteam Cup. Nataly Maier , on the other hand, won in the Painting section while Narda Zapata won first prize in the Photography section.

The award ceremony was held in the Sala della Sibilla on the Priamàr Fortress. A welcome by Nicoletta Negro, Councillor for Culture and Tourism Comprehensive Policies of the City of Savona, was followed by speeches by exhibition curators Livia Savorelli and Matteo Galbiati and Antonello Tolve representing the entire jury. The awards were presented to the artists by Diego Santamaria, president of Arteam.

All prizes were awarded to the artists by a professional jury, composed of Matteo Galbiati (art critic and lecturer, Espoarte web director and internal member of Arteam), Maria Vittoria Pinotti (art historianart historian, author and independent critic), Davide Sarchioni (art historian, curator and consultant), Livia Savorelli ( Espoarte editorial director), Antonello Tolve (lecturer, art critic and director of the Fondazione Filiberto e Bianca Menna) and Maria Chiara Wang (critic and curator).

The Gaggia-Dubbini duo (Giovanni Gaggia, Pergola-PU, 1977 and Rocco Dubbini, Ancona, 1969) was unanimously decreed by the jury as the winner of the Sculpture section and overall winner of Arteam Cup 2022 with the work GOLPE (2022, embroidery on Italian Navy blanket, ventricular cavity, digital resin print). The jury’s motivation reads, “Image and word, action and matter mingle pronouncing themselves as an idea in a work with a strong and powerfully iconic outcome, without an abandonment to the most obvious rhetoric. A residual part of prior and shared actions, the work marks its monumental affirmation, acted out even through fragile materials with an unstable presence, which is why they become a banner hoisted on the freedom of affirmation and the independence of judgment. The homage to a past history never fails to find and gather useful valid evidence in the actuality of our present.”

In addition to the prizes obtained as category winners, the Gaggia-Dubbini duo also won the prestigious Espoarte Prize: a purchase prize worth 2,500 euros gross, a dedicated monographic presentation in an issue of Espoarte, the corresponding cover and fifty copies of the same issue.

Nataly Maier (Munich, 1957) was the winner of the Painting section with the work Cascata 022 (2021, tempera and egg tempera on canvas), with the following motivation: “There is no need for the excess and redundancy of size, even a small surface becomes the horizon of an infinite universe if the quality of painting succeeds in transfiguring visions. The essentiality of the analytical approach - systematic and coherent - combined with an obvious and manifest intrinsic quality of the medium of painting, which is studied and known by the artist, pays attention to the value of color to such an extent that it is charged with intentions. In the virtue of its purity, truths are read in its perfect and ample transfiguration.”

Narda Zapata (La Paz, 1981) triumphed in the Photography section with the work Arco Minero (2022, gold leaf applied on photograph). “The artist’s gaze,” reads the official motivation, “rediscovers the energy and attention necessary to determine, always identifying and emphasizing a personal sensitivity and interpretation, the primary role of photography resolved in images that transcribe a personal and intimate narrative reportage. The snapshot is proposed as a fragment, a particle of a descriptive account that, combined then with others, recomposes a mosaic of experiences and stories outlined in the contours of a geographical event that - first lived and then represented - for the observer offers itself as an alchemical theophany of other and new experiences.”

The Torre Pallavicina City Council Prize was also awarded to Ilaria Gasparroni, Ilaria Simeoni, Giulia Spernazza and David Cesaria and the Cascina Granbego Artist Residency Prize to Ilaria Margutti, as well as editorial prizes from Espoarte magazine (awarded to Antonio Barbieri and Nicola Evangelisti) andSegno magazine (awarded to Saba Najafi and Charlie Davoli).

Arteam Cup 2022 was held under the patronage of the City of Savona and the support of Costa Crociere. The Arteam Cultural Association has also worked in close synergy with important Italian cultural realities to guarantee valuable prizes and residencies for the winners, embedded in a professionalizing path. Partners of the 2022 edition are the Dino Zoli Textile company of Forlì, which had already hosted at the Dino Zoli Foundation two editions of Arteam Cup (2018 and 2020), the Filiberto and Bianca Menna Foundation of Rome, the Tafuri Museum of Salerno, theOfficina 900 in Albisola Superiore (SV), Studio Berné in Legnano (MI) and the association TerraMedia APS in Bagnoregio (VT), organizer of Chiantissimo.

The Arteam Cup 2022 awards ceremony coincided with the finissage of CONNEXXION and the performance SIT DOWN TO HAVE AN IDEA _Savona by Andrea Bianconi, the twelfth artist invited by curator Livia Savorelli to ideally close the widespread festival that, for a month and a half, animated and contaminated the city of Savona.

The exhibition catalog of Arteam Cup 2022 finalists and winners is published by Vanillaedizioni( For information: T. +39 019 4500744,,,

Gaggia-Dubbini, Golpe (2022; ricamo su coperta della Marina Militare Italiana, cavità ventricolare, stampa digitale in resina, 120 x 180 x 20 cm). Foto: Michele Alberto Sereni
Gaggia-Dubbini, Golpe (2022; embroidery on Italian Navy blanket, ventricular cavity, digital resin print, 120 x 180 x 20 cm). Photo: Michele Alberto Sereni
Nataly Maier, Cascata 022 (2021; tempera e tempera all’uovo su tela, 77 x 42 cm)
Nataly Maier, Waterfall 022 (2021; tempera and egg tempera on canvas, 77 x 42 cm)
Narda Zapata, Arco Minero (2022; foglia d’oro applicata su fotografia - carta Hahnemühle, 100 x 120 cm)
Narda Zapata, Arco Minero (2022; gold leaf applied on photograph - Hahnemühle paper, 100 x 120 cm)

Gaggia-Dubbini duo wins Arteam Cup 2022 with work Golpe
Gaggia-Dubbini duo wins Arteam Cup 2022 with work Golpe

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