Degas, Tintoretto, Gauguin and Caravaggio are the stars of 2019's "Great Art at the Movies"

Nexo Digital's 2019 season of 'Great Art at the Movies' kicks off. Starring, among others, Degas, Tintoretto, Gauguin and Caravaggio.

After bringing more than 500,000 viewers to Italian theaters during 2018 with its original La Grande Arte al Cinema project, for 2019 Nexo Digital is offering a new season of unique cinematic events that will bring to life on the big screen all the richness of the world’s most important exhibitions, artists and museums.

Opening this new cycle is Degas - Passion and Perfection, scheduled for January 28, 29 and 30. Traveling from the superb exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, with its extraordinary collection of Degas’ works, to the streets of Paris, the docu-film offers exclusive access to rare works created by the celebrated painter of ballerinas, one of the absolute geniuses ofImpressionism. An appointment that traces the fascinating story of Degas’ quest for perfection, in which experimentation with new techniques and study of the Masters of the past come together in the mind and brush of one of the world’s most beloved artists.

On Feb. 25, 26 and 27 it will be time for Tintoretto - A Rebel in Venice, a new film production by Sky Arte conceived and written by Strega Prize winner Melania Mazzucco. Featuring the extraordinary participation of Peter Greenaway, the film celebrates the 500th anniversary of the birth of one of the giants of 16th-century European painting, Jacopo Tintoretto. The artist was the only one, unlike Veronese and Titian, who was born and raised in Venice, a city he did not abandon even during the years of the plague that brought the city to its knees. Accompanied by the Tintoretto 1519-1594 exhibition at the Doge’s Palace, the film traces the iconic sites of Tintoretto’s Venice, from his first workshop in Cannaregio to the Scuola Grande di San Rocco, still called his Sistine Chapel while also exploring the rivalries between the greatest artists of the time, Tintoretto, Titian and Veronese.

With the arrival of spring we will move to exotic lands with Gauguin in Tahiti - Paradise Lost, scheduled for March 25, 26 and 27. From Tahiti to the Marquesas Islands, the docu-film produced by 3D Produzioni and Nexo Digital with the support of Intesa Sanpaolo will offer a journey in search of the lost paradise, among the places Gauguin chose as his chosen home and through the great American museums where his greatest masterpieces are kept. On the trail of a story that now belongs to myth and on the trail of a primordial life and painting.

On April 15, 16 and 17 we will then move to Spain with The Prado Museum.The Court of Wonders. Produced by 3D Productions and Nexo Digital with the support of Intesa Sanpaolo on the occasion of the museum’s 200th anniversary celebrations, the film takes us on a spectacular journey to Madrid to recount six centuries of Spanish history and art through 8,000 works in one of Europe’s largest museums. For a painting is a canvas, color, matter and form, but it is also the story of men and women, painters and kings, palaces and queens, wealth and misery.

Staying in Spanish lands, May 6, 7, 8 will be the time for The Young Picasso. Picasso is one of the greatest artists of all time, and the most prolific until his death in 1973. Many films have chronicled the years of his greatest success: art, business and his wide circle of friends. But where did it all begin? What made Picasso what he was? “The Young Picasso” explores his beginnings, to find out where the spark of genius he used to remember came from: "When I was four I painted like Raphael, then it took me a lifetime to learn to paint like a child."

On May 27, 28 and 29, the 2019 season will close with Inside Caravaggio. Why, more than five centuries after his death, is Caravaggio one of the most popular painters of our time and continues to be featured in books, exhibitions and insights? A great theater actor, Sandro Lombardi, who has always been a Caravaggio enthusiast, visits the rich Milanese exhibition dedicated to the artist and, little by little, digs through the major themes related to Merisi’s biography and work, to give an answer to this question and to understand what makes him our accomplice, an artist so close to us. The film, produced by Piero Maranghi and Massimo Vitta Zelman, is directed by Francesco Fei.

La Grande Arte al Cinema is an original and exclusive project of Nexo Digital. In 2019 La Grande Arte al Cinema is exclusively distributed inItaly by Nexo Digital with media partners Radio Capital, Sky Arte and If you would like to visit Nexo Digital’s website, you can click here.

Degas, Tintoretto, Gauguin and Caravaggio are the stars of 2019's
Degas, Tintoretto, Gauguin and Caravaggio are the stars of 2019's "Great Art at the Movies"

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