At the Fortress of Bard the exhibition dedicated to the 2020 edition of World Press Photo

From March 10 to April 15, 2021, the Fortress of Bard will host World Press Photo 2020, an exhibition featuring the best images from the 2020 edition of the prestigious World Press Photo award.

Great events related to photography are at home at the Fortress of Bard in Valle d’Aosta, home of the new edition of World Press Photo, the world’s most prestigious award for photojournalism. World Press Photo 2020 confirms itself as the event that restores to the world the enormous documentary and narrative capacity of images, revealing their fundamental role as historical witness of our time. The award, now in its 63rd year, was conceived in 1955 by the World Press Photo Foundation, an independent nonprofit organization based in Amsterdam.

On display are the 140 winning and most representative images of 2019, divided into eight different categories: Contemporary issues, Environment, General news, Long Term Projects, Spot news, Nature, Portraits, and Sports. The photographs were chosen by an international jury of experts who reviewed the work of 4,282 photographers from 125 countries for a total of 73,996 images. Forty-four photographers from 24 countries made it to the finals, including six from Italy.

Yasuyoshi Chiba emerged as the winner of the photo of the year with Straight Voice (pictured). The shot depicts a young man, illuminated by the cell phones of his companions, reciting poetry during a protest rally demanding a democratic government for Sudan, during a blackout in Khartoum, June 19, 2019.

Winning the World Press Photo Story of the Year award instead was Romain Laurendeau with Kho, The Genesis of Revolt. Kho, in colloquial North African Arabic, means brother. The reportage recounts the deep discomfort of Algerian youth who, in defiance of the authorities, urged the rest of the population to join their action, giving rise to Algeria’s largest protest movement in decades.

Six Italians on the podium: Fabio Bucciarelli, second prize in the General news, stories section; Lorenzo Tugnoli first in the Contemporary issues, stories section; Nicolò Filippo Rosso third in the Contemporary issues, stories section; Luca Locatelli, first in the Environment, stories section; Alessio Mamo General news; and Daniele Volpe, first for the Long-term Projects category.

The exhibition runs through April 15.

For all information you can visit the official website of the Fortress of Bard.

At the Fortress of Bard the exhibition dedicated to the 2020 edition of World Press Photo
At the Fortress of Bard the exhibition dedicated to the 2020 edition of World Press Photo

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