Special openings every Monday in June for Canaletto exhibition in Rome

The Museum of Rome will hold special openings every Monday in June (June 4, 11, 18 and 25) for the exhibition “Canaletto 1697-1768,” which we reported on here, to allow as wide an audience as possible to admire the largest nucleus of works ever exhibited in Italy by the great Venetian painter Giovanni Antonio Canal, known as Canaletto.

The exhibition features 42 paintings, including some celebrated masterpieces, 9 drawings, and 16 books and archival documents. The exhibition itinerary unfolds through eight sections that tell the story of the painter’s relationship with the theater, the archaeological whimsy inspired by the ruins of ancient Rome, his early successes in Venice, his golden years, his relationship with his collaborators and theatelier and the presence of his nephew Bernardo Bellotto (with some precise comparisons between the master’s and pupil’s versions of the same view), the views of Rome andEngland, and the last fireworks on his return to Venice. A number of documents from theState Archives of Venice complete the exhibition.

The works on display come from important Italian museum institutions (such as the Castello Sforzesco in Milan; the Musei Reali in Turin; the Giorgio Cini Foundation. Istituto per il Teatro e il Melodramma and the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice; the Galleria Borghese and the Gallerie Nazionali d’arte Antica Palazzo Barberini in Rome) and from some of the world’s most important museums, including the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, the Jacquemart-André in Paris, the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest, the National Gallery in London and the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Also featured are works from the U.S. museums in Boston, Kansas City, and Cincinnati.

The exhibition is promoted by theAssessorato alla Crescita culturale di Roma Capitale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Cult urali with the organization of theCultural Association MetaMorfosi in collaboration with Zètema Progetto Cultura and curated by Bożena Anna Kowalczyk.Opening hours from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (the ticket office closes one hour earlier). For all information you can call 060608, visit www.museodiroma.it or email museodiroma@comune.roma.it.

Pictured: Canaletto, St. Mark’s Square. The Clock Tower (1730; oil on canvas, 70.5 x 52.7 cm; Kansas City, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art)

Special openings every Monday in June for Canaletto exhibition in Rome
Special openings every Monday in June for Canaletto exhibition in Rome

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