Discovering Fra Angelico with great experts: a video series

The San Marco Museum, which preserves the world's most important nucleus of works by Beato Angelico, is dedicating a series of videos with leading experts to the works of the Florentine painter.

The Museo di San Marco in Florence has kicked off a video series entitled Beato Angelico visto da..., dedicated to the fundamental nucleus of masterpieces by the great Dominican artist, Beato Angelico (Fra’ Giovanni da Fiesole, born Guido di Pietro; Vicchio, c. 1395 - Rome, 1455) displayed in the new room created thanks to funding from the Friends of Florence, inaugurated last December, and just reopened to the public along with all the other rooms of the museum.

Twelve experts and scholars among the highest international authorities in the field of Angelic studies, accepting the invitation of Stefano Casciu, regional director museums of Tuscany, and Angelo Tartuferi, director of the Museum of San Marco, have described and deepened, each in a short video, a work or an altar complex in its historical, iconographic, stylistic or theological-spiritual aspects, with valuable contributions resulting from their countless studies.

There are thirteen videos in all, made by the museum’s staff and curators, which will be online every week, on the website of the Regional Museums Directorate of Tuscany and on the San Marco Museum’s YouTube channel, and will offer close-ups and precious details on each of the works in the Hall, also ranging over other masterpieces by Beato Angelico or other artists compared to better illustrate the artistic paths and extraordinary results.

Opening the review is the director of the Museo di San Marco himself, Angelo Tartuferi (a great expert on 15th-century Florentine painting), with his contribution dedicated to the Triptych of St. Peter Martyr, one of Beato Angelico’s earliest works, a Madonna Enthroned with Child between Saints Dominic, John the Baptist, Peter Martyr, Thomas Aquinas, tempera on panel painted before 1429 and coming from the Dominican women’s convent of St. Peter Martyr in Florence.

“This review,” says Stefano Casciu, “responds to the need to offer the public online multimedia content on museum collections for the widest possible accessibility of museums in this particular period, which complements or prepares the live visit with an in-depth study at the highest scientific level of the most beloved works of one of the greatest masters of the Florentine Renaissance, now even more enhanced by the new layout.”

Director Angelo Tartuferi emphasizes “the scientific profile of the initiative, aimed at the general public, students, enthusiasts, loyal and potential visitors to the Museum of San Marco, who can finally return to enjoy ’in presence’ of Angelico’s masterpieces and the unparalleled atmosphere of this symbolic and identity place of Renaissance Florence and beyond.”

Here are the videos below:

Angelo Tartuferi, The Triptych of St. Peter the Martyr
Giorgio Bonsanti, The Deposition of the Cross from the Strozzi Chapel in Santa Trinita
Carl Brandon Strehlke, The Final Judgment from Santa Maria degli Angeli
Magnolia Scudieri, The Altarpiece of San Marco
Marilena Tamassia, The Annalena Altarpiece
Gerardo de Simone, The panels of the Armadio degli Argenti of the Santissima Annunziata
Lia Brunori, The reliquaries from Santa Maria Novella
Anna Soffici, The tondo with the Crucifixion and the Coronation of the Virgin
Alessandro Cecchi, The imposition of the name on the Baptist
Daniela Parenti, The Marriage of the Virgin and Dormitio Virginis
Timothy Verdon, The Mourning over the Dead Christ from St. Mary of the Cross to the Temple
Timothy Verdon, Theological-spiritual aspects of the Deposition of the Cross from Holy Trinity
Ada Labriola, The Tabernacle of the Linaioli

Pictured: Angelo Tartuferi with the triptych of St. Peter the Martyr.

Discovering Fra Angelico with great experts: a video series
Discovering Fra Angelico with great experts: a video series

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