Beautiful Roman mosaic floor discovered under a vineyard in Veneto region

A vineyard, in Negrar di Valpolicella (Verona), has reserved an extraordinary surprise: technicians from the Superintendence of Verona have in fact found a splendid Roman mosaic floor under the rows of vines, near the town. It is part of the pavement and foundations of the Roman Villa of Negrar, identified by scholars in the late 19th century in the countryside around the town, in the district significantly called “Villa.” However, it was not until 1922 that the Soprintendenza Archeologica del Veneto proceeded with systematic excavations that brought to light a vast rectangular room, flanked by other rooms along the long sides and equipped with a portico that probably opened onto a terrace, or even, more likely, constituted one of the sides of a quadrangular portico that surrounded an inner courtyard.

Archaeologists from the Verona superintendency resumed the excavation in the summer of 2019, under the guidance of archaeologist Gianni Zuccato (they continued until February, after which they stopped due to the health emergency and resumed in early May) and are thus partially rediscovering the remains, with the aim of identifying the exact extent and location of the ancient building. After that, the superintendence will take steps to identify, together with the owners of the area and the municipality, to find the most appropriate ways to make these findings available and visitable. However, the municipality of Negrar di Valpolicella has already made it known that it will be a long job and will require substantial resources: important, however, that it has begun.

Beautiful Roman mosaic floor discovered under a vineyard in Veneto region
Beautiful Roman mosaic floor discovered under a vineyard in Veneto region

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