Frida Kahlo Barbie is a flop, amid rights querries and criticism over appearance

Flop for the Frida Kahlo Barbie launched by Mattel, forced to face legal querries over rights in addition to harsh criticism from the public.

If Mattel was expecting positive reactions around the idea of launching a Barbie doll with the likeness of artist Frida Kahlo as International Women’s Day approached, the assessment turned out to be wrong: the Frida Kahlo Barbie has in fact been showered with criticism, plus the painter’s heirs accuse the toy company of having produced the doll without obtaining the necessary permits. On this point, however, Mattel defends itself by saying that it worked closely with the Frida Kahlo Corporation, the company that looks after Frida Kahlo’s rights. The family, however, claims that the corporation would hold the rights to the name, but not the rights to the image. The matter is now in the hands of lawyers, who are already working to find common ground.

But it is not only the legal issues that have gotten people talking about the deal: numerous criticisms have come to Mattel over the appearance of Frida Kahlo Barbie. Among the most critical is Mara de Anda Romeo, granddaughter of Frida Kahlo, who told Agence France-Presse that “I would have preferred a doll more like the real Frida, not this clear-eyed doll. I would have liked a doll with joined eyebrows, with clothes made by Mexican artisans, that could have represented everything my aunt stood for, as well as her strength. She should have been a Frida who could represent Mexico.” Harsh criticism also came from Mexican actress Salma Hayek, best known for playing Frida Kahlo in 2003 (a performance that earned her an Oscar nomination), who posted an image of the toy on her Instagram profile, writing, “I can’t believe they made a Barbie of our Frida, who never tried to be or look like someone else and always celebrated her originality.” And of course numerous negative comments from social users.

Frida Kahlo Barbie is a flop, amid rights querries and criticism over appearance
Frida Kahlo Barbie is a flop, amid rights querries and criticism over appearance

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