Ministry in storm: seeks volunteers for data collection, underpaid at 27 euros a day

A notice published by the General Directorate of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape, seeking volunteers to do heritage information and data collection at 27.50 euros per day, throws the Ministry of Culture into a storm.

Blizzard over the Ministry of Culture: the General Directorate of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape has in fact published a call for the selection of a non-profit volunteer association for collaborative activities regarding the collection of information and documentation on archaeological, architectural, historical and artistic heritage. The association must have at least three years’ experience in the field of cultural heritage protection and must have legal and operational headquarters in the City of Rome.

According to the notice, the collaboration will last for one year, from July 15, 2021 to July 14, 2022, and for each volunteer there is a contribution, as reimbursement of expenses, equal to a gross price not exceeding 27.50 euros per day (maximum four hours, thus for 6.87 euros gross per hour), for twenty days per month. A maximum of eight volunteers are to be employed for this collaboration.

The notice, dated July 1 and passed unnoticed in recent days, was reported by the association Do you recognize me? I am a cultural heritage professional, to denounce yet another situation of the Ministry of Culture’s search for experienced volunteers to have them perform a collaborative activity that should be paid and should make use of professionals.

“Once again,” the association comments, “the state, which should prevent abuse and exploitation, becomes the first exploiter. By now there is no more astonishment, only deepening anger.” And to think that only in April the Senate Culture Committee passed a motion stigmatizing work masquerading as volunteer work and committing the government to recognize that subordinate work in culture should always be paid. If this practice is first encouraged by the ministry, therefore, it is likely that there is still a long way to go.

Pictured: the Collegio Romano, headquarters of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage. Ph. Credit Windows on Art

Ministry in storm: seeks volunteers for data collection, underpaid at 27 euros a day
Ministry in storm: seeks volunteers for data collection, underpaid at 27 euros a day

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