No Madonna's birthday in Pompeii: park denies it

There will be no Madonna's birthday in Pompeii: the Archaeological Park denies the rumors with a note, calling them groundless.

No Madonna’s birthday at the excavations of Pompeii: after rumors chased for days that the American pop-star was preparing a party for her 66th birthday at the Teatro Grande of the world’s most famous archaeological site, a denial came directly from the Park. “With regard to the rumors circulating in the press these days about a ’mega-party’ of an international celebrity with 500 guests in the excavations of Pompeii, as well as about an alleged fee of 30 thousand euros for the Great Theater, the Archaeological Park specifies that these are unfounded news”: this is the laconic note released by the press office of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii.

There had also been a flurry of controversy surrounding the alleged amount the singer would have to shell out for the theater’s rent, believed to be extremely low: “Why would Madonna need to come to Pompeii? Aren’t there other beautiful places she could use? For 30,000 euros moreover, it is absurd. It is giving away the site of Pompeii”: this was how Italia Nostra secretary general Michele Campisi had expressed it. The super-vip birthday would also have caused public order problems, since the news, which was supposed to remain private, was instead eventually leaked and would have risked attracting masses of celebrity-hunting fans to Pompeii. Where then will the party be held? No one knows, perhaps still in Campania (Madonna’s yacht apparently sails around Capri), but not in Pompeii...

No Madonna's birthday in Pompeii: park denies it
No Madonna's birthday in Pompeii: park denies it

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