Pompeii, British tourist vandalizes House of the Vestals. She wanted to leave a trace of her visit

In Pompeii, a British tourist vandalized the House of the Vestal Virgins by carving his initials and those of his daughters. Stopped by carabinieri, he justified himself by saying he wanted to leave a mark of his visit.

In Pompeii, a 37-year-old British tourist vandalized the House of the Vestals, leaving his initials, and those of his daughters, on a wall near the entrance. The man was noticed by surveillance personnel who reported him to the Carabinieri. The tourist used a sharp object to leave several inscriptions on the wall: the letters “JW LMW MW” and the date August 7, 2024, and the letters “MYLAW.”

According to Corriere della Sera, the man reportedly apologized, saying he only wanted to “leave a sign of his visit.” The 37-year-old was identified and reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Torre Annunziata for damage to artistic heritage. He now faces a hefty fine.

Pompeii, British tourist vandalizes House of the Vestals. She wanted to leave a trace of her visit
Pompeii, British tourist vandalizes House of the Vestals. She wanted to leave a trace of her visit

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