Venice, accident in Giudecca canal: cruise ship hits boat, 4 injured. Video on social media

Accident this morning in Venice's Giudecca Canal: a cruise ship hit a tourist boat causing 4 minor injuries.

Four people were slightly injured in an accident in the Giudecca Canal in Venice this morning, when an MSC cruise ship collided with a tourist boat during entry operations into Venice’s maritime station. The large ship, dragged by a tugboat, lost control at some point (possibly due to an engine failure and subsequent breakage of a tow cable), crashing into the River Countness boat, which had 130 people on board at the time. Ambulances, police and firefighters responded to the scene.

“This morning, around 8:30 a.m.,” reads a note from the MSC company, “Msc Opera on maneuvering approach to the terminal for berthing experienced a technical problem. The ship was accompanied by two tugs and hit the quay at the height of San Basilio. Simultaneously, a collision occurred with the river boat. All investigations are underway to understand the exact dynamics of the events, the company is ensuring full cooperation and is in constant contact with local authorities.” According to the testimony of the tug crews, the ship had a breakdown that was promptly reported by the captain, and although the tugs tried to stop the large vessel, the ship nevertheless continued to accelerate until one of the tow lines was sheared due to the impact with the boat. Only the impact with the dock stopped the Msc Opera’s run: now it will be necessary to understand why the engine did not shut down (usually ships have a system that allows the engines to shut down in case of failure). Video of the impact has been circulated on social media.

Meanwhile, the No Grandi Navi Committee has called for a protest, and Transport Minister Danilo Toninelli said that “today’s accident at the port of Venice shows that large ships should no longer pass through Giudecca,” and that “after many years of inaction, we are finally close to a definitive solution to protect both the lagoon and tourism.” Urges come from the governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia: “the minister of infrastructure will decide something; we can no longer wait. Accidents are absolutely possible in the merchant navy but they must take place outside of historic and inhabited disputes without endangering lives and in general safe conditions. The proposals of the municipality and region are wise and feasible; they provide an alternative roadway and the possibility for ships to maneuver in absolutely safe conditions. I repeat; the minister at this point decides now. He also has the opportunity and good fortune to have immediately feasible proposals that come from the territory and the entities most affected.”

Venice, accident in Giudecca canal: cruise ship hits boat, 4 injured. Video on social media
Venice, accident in Giudecca canal: cruise ship hits boat, 4 injured. Video on social media

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