Margherita Corrado (M5S) launches her wishes for the new minister of cultural heritage

Archaeologist Margherita Corrado, an M5S senator, has launched eleven wishes for the minister of cultural heritage who will emerge from the new government: from restoring the MiBACT staffing plan to canceling the Netflix of culture.

The current government crisis will lead to the emergence of a new executive: at the moment, since all the hypotheses are in the field, it is also fair to imagine (although at present it seems difficult) that there will also be a new minister of cultural heritage. It is with this prospect in mind that archaeologist Margherita Corrado, a senator of the 5 Star Movement as well as one of the parliamentarians certainly most active on issues concerning cultural heritage, has come up with a list of eleven “desiderata” for the future new tenant of the Roman College.

Corrado obviously glimpses what the outcome of the crisis for cultural heritage will be and is the first to present her proposal as a “game”: “As in many childish games, even in parliamentary life (in this Legislature) certain moments seem to return periodically, always the same, with the same urgencies, the same solicitations, destined then to fall on deaf ears,” she writes on her Facebook page. “I am once again lending myself to this game, lest I be reproached for not having put forward proposals, in the field of cultural heritage, despite the foregone conclusion.... They are not all of them, and they are perhaps not the most important ones (except the one in orange, prioritized!), but they would be a panacea for the agonizing MiBACT in these dark times.”

So here are what are the eleven actions Corrado would like for MiBACT: 1) Restoring MiBACT’s staffing plan, now lacking nearly 10.000, through permanent hires with openness to the professions already on the lists (and enlargement of them; 2) Substantial rethinking of the Franceschini reforms with restoration of the territory-museum link by maintaining the autonomy of museums, institutes and places of culture already decreed (without adding new ones), but with only enhancement tasks; 3) Census of extra-museum repositories of archaeological artifacts and their rationalization; 4) Recovery to the public of a primary role in the provision of outsourced services in major cultural places; 5) Census and verification of cultural interest for all extra-urban historic buildings listed in the 1939 cadastre; 6) Organic perimeter and protection of historic centers; 7) Reallocation or cancellation of the powers of the National Superintendency for Underwater Cultural Heritage; 8) Exclusion of non-competitive selections for all MiBACT managerial roles; 9) Immediate issuance of the national fee schedule for concessions for the use of cultural heritage assets under MiBACT; 10) Cancellation of the “Netflix of culture” project; 11) Strengthening of policies for the protection and restoration of landscapes.

Pictured: Margherita Corrado

Margherita Corrado (M5S) launches her wishes for the new minister of cultural heritage
Margherita Corrado (M5S) launches her wishes for the new minister of cultural heritage

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