All the articles by Gabriele Landi on Finestre sull'Arte

"Art is a question that triggers other questions." Conversation with Paolo Cavinato

"Art is a question that triggers other questions." Conversation with Paolo Cavinato

Paul Cavinato's (Asola, 1975) research focuses on space and its perception: in his work, the observer becomes an integral part of the work. After graduating in Scenography from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts and taking a film direction course in Mila...
"The unknown is my greatest challenge." Conversation with Maurizio Faleni

"The unknown is my greatest challenge." Conversation with Maurizio Faleni

A life dedicated to the search for the light-color relationship, with different modes and relevant reflections dedicated to the study of pure painting, with restless artistic experiences with studies on color and painting especially of the Italian ma...
Luca Pancrazzi: "Painting? It's a window. And it is the main ring of art."

Luca Pancrazzi: "Painting? It's a window. And it is the main ring of art."

A conversation to learn more about the art of Luca Pancrazzi (Figline Valdarno, 1961). After his academic studies in Florence, Pancrazzi traveled to the United States where he met Jo Watanabe and worked in his studio making graphics and wall-drawings...
"Making art is an arrangement that involves every aspect of life." Conversation with Cesare Biratoni

"Making art is an arrangement that involves every aspect of life." Conversation with Cesare Biratoni

Cesare Biratoni, born in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto in 1969, resides and works in Busto Arsizio. In his work, there is no distinction between collage and painting, nor between drawing and manipulated and recomposed photography. Biratoni is distinguish...
With my photography I try to convey lightness. Conversation with Beatrice Pediconi

With my photography I try to convey lightness. Conversation with Beatrice Pediconi

Beatrice Pediconi lives and works in New York City. Her education took place between Paris at the University of La Villette, and Rome, where she graduated in Architecture in 1999 from "La Sapienza" University. Her work has been shown in international...
Giuliano Dal Molin: art as an attempt to go beyond the image

Giuliano Dal Molin: art as an attempt to go beyond the image

Julian Dal Molin was born in Schio (Vicenza) in 1960; he lives and works in San Vito di Leguzzano (VI). Dal Molin's path of training and experimentation led him to approach modern and contemporary art to identify his own working direction in 1987. Hi...
"Art is not just craft: it is also reflection and introspection." Conversation with Gianluca Sgherri

"Art is not just craft: it is also reflection and introspection." Conversation with Gianluca Sgherri

Painting as narrative but also as intimacy, direct expression and at the same time introspection. Gianluca Sgherri's research is one of the most refined on the contemporary Italian scene. Born in Fucecchio in 1962, Sgherri, after attending art high s...
An artist dreams of matter and goes to the bottom of things. Conversation with Laura Patacchia

An artist dreams of matter and goes to the bottom of things. Conversation with Laura Patacchia

Laura Patacchia was born in Terni in 1974, she attended the Pietro Vannucci Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia, in 1999 she graduated in Painting, also in 1999 she attended the Chair of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bilbao following the course...

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