Museums - Finestre sull'Arte

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Visiting museums reduces anxiety and helps mental health. A study in Verona gives the first confirmations

Visiting museums reduces anxiety and helps mental health. A study in Verona gives the first confirmations

The claim that visiting museums can strengthen mental health and reduce anxiety and depression is increasingly shared, but how consistent is this claim from a scientific point of view? The MINERVA project, a collaboration between Palazzo Maffei Casa ...
Museums, being inclusive and welcoming does not mean trivializing proposals

Museums, being inclusive and welcoming does not mean trivializing proposals

The participatory transformation of the modern museum should not be intense as a chase after distracted visitors, a sort of adaptation to a public that, more and more often, appears unaware and lost (but may it not be, rather, a consequence of the ex...
Naples, new spaces opened at the Royal Palace and an exhibition telling four centuries of the palace's history

Naples, new spaces opened at the Royal Palace and an exhibition telling four centuries of the palace's history

New spaces were inaugurated at the Royal Palace in Naples today: the Belvedere, the Factory Museum, with a new ticket office and reception area in the Courtyard of Honor, and the temporary exhibition telling four centuries of the palace's history in ...
Vincenzo Bellelli (Cerveteri-Tarquinia director): "here's how the Park has changed thanks to automia."

Vincenzo Bellelli (Cerveteri-Tarquinia director): "here's how the Park has changed thanks to automia."

The Cerveteri-Tarquinia Archaeological Park became autonomous as of 2021. Since then, thanks to autonomy, this important complex, which brings together the Cerite National Archaeological Museum, the National Archaeological Museum in Tarquinia, and th...
Racconigi Castle, inaugurated a new exhibit with more than one hundred non-European objects

Racconigi Castle, inaugurated a new exhibit with more than one hundred non-European objects

Inaugurated at Racconigi Castle the new permanent exhibition Stories from the World in the Castle. Wonders from four continents in Racconigi, set up in the east wing. On display in the new section are more than one hundred objects selected from the c...
Cristiana Collu will be the new director of the Fondazione Querini Stampalia in Venice

Cristiana Collu will be the new director of the Fondazione Querini Stampalia in Venice

The Fondazione Querini Stampalia in Venice has appointed its new director, Cristiana Collu, who will thus take over from September 2024 from Marigusta Lazzari. The appointment was decided unanimously by the foundation's president, Paolo Molesini, and...
Rosario Anzalone is the new director of the Regional Directorate National Museums of Lombardy

Rosario Anzalone is the new director of the Regional Directorate National Museums of Lombardy

Rosario Anzalone is the new director of the Regional Directorate National Museums of Lombardy. He succeeds Emanuela Daffra, who has taken over as superintendent of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, an institute for which, in recent months,...
The Royal Greenhouses of Turin's Royal Museums will become a new hub: construction site unveiled

The Royal Greenhouses of Turin's Royal Museums will become a new hub: construction site unveiled

The Royal Museums of Turin unveiled the construction site of the Royal Greenhouses: in fact, after hosting the Museum of Antiquities for half a century, the elegant pavilions built in the lower Royal Gardens in the early 20th century will become a ne...

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