Golucho: a raw and expressive gaze

We discover the art of Golucho, one of Spain's most interesting contemporary painters. With the help of an exhibition in Barcelona.

Descubrir el arte dedicates an article to Golucho, an artist who depicts people and the everyday environment in a very special way.If you are curious to see his works, you can find them until April 12 at the European Museum of Modern Art in Barcelona! Here is the link to the original. Below is my translation! Happy reading :)

Ananthological exhibition at MEAM (European Museum of Modern Art) in Barcelona re-examines the artist’s pictorial activity between 1998 and the present day. He is one of the main Spanish representatives of New Realism and co-founder of the group La gallina ciega, a significant Spanish core of contemporary art. Golucho’s work uncompromisingly depicts a stark reality that in turn lets out a great humanity. Through April 12.

Golucho, En la habitación verde (Nella Stanza verde)
Golucho, En la habitación verde (In the Green Room), 2012, oil on panel. All images courtesy of MEAM for Descubrir el Arte.

The painter Miguel Angel Mayo, Golucho (Madrid, 1949) left Spain in 1964 to move to Paris, where he directly experienced all the political and social events of that era, during which he related to the artistic bohemian scene.

Upon his return to Spain in 1969, he began a path of research about his work and the expressive possibilities of painting within realism, until reaching in the 1990s a personal, unclassifiable language of extraordinary particularity. A maverick artist, his paintings are distinguished by the depth and expressiveness of the characters who seem to acquire a life of their own through his paintings.

Golucho is co-founder of the group La gallina ciega together with artists such as Antonio López, Noe Serrano, José María Serrano, Roberto Manzano or Dino Valls, whose goal is to show and make manifest the high quality art of our days, starting from criteria of intellectual independence and deep, established and objectifiable thinking. This project is carried out entirely by artists who aspire to unite high-level works with new projects, using for this purpose exhibitions, publications, cultural debate days and, finally, arriving at the materialization of exhibition spaces suitable for the permanent exhibition of contemporary art.

Theanthological exhibition inaugurated by MEAM shows about 50 paintings that the artist has made from 1998 to the present; works that reveal the clear relevance of the aesthetic canons of a painter with the impetuous personality of Golucho. A painter who stands out because he uncompromisingly depicts a raw reality, full of humanity and expressive power. And the viewer in front of this artist’s paintings feels appalled because the faces looking back at him let the soul of the person portrayed shine through and, in many cases, are marked by the pain of existence.

Ultimately, Golucho paints figures that oscillate between the delicate and the sordid, portraits that show people and their everyday surroundings.

Mariantonia, Ensayo sobre el Alzheimer (Mariantonia, Saggio sull'Alzheimer)
Mariantonia,Ensayo sobre el Alzheimer (Mariantonia, Essay on Alzheimer’s), January 2009, pencil.

Alma en el estudio (Anima nello studio)
Alma en el estudio (Soul in the studio), summer 1999, oil on panel.

La soledad del límite (La solitudine del limite)
La soledad del límite (The Solitude of the Limit), summer 2006, pencil and watercolor.

Rojo IV (Rosso IV)
Rojo IV (Red IV), fall 2008, oil on panel.

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.