All the articles by Federico Giannini on Finestre sull'Arte

Federico Giannini

Giornalista d'arte, nato a Massa nel 1986, laureato a Pisa nel 2010. Ha fondato Finestre sull'Arte con Ilaria Baratta. Oltre che su queste pagine, scrive su Art e Dossier e su Left.

Alberto Angela and Temptation Island: Rai was right to suspend Noos

Alberto Angela and Temptation Island: Rai was right to suspend Noos

It takes perhaps a slight effort of immedesimation to overcome the knee-jerk reactions to theIndignez-vous that yesterday provoked uncontrollable disgust among culture-goers, stunned to learn that Rai decided to suspend and reschedule Noos, Alberto A...
When the San Rossore Park in Pisa was full of dromedaries.

When the San Rossore Park in Pisa was full of dromedaries.

In Gabriele d'Annunzio'sAlcyone , the dromedaries of San Rossore Park become, more simply, the "camels." An unusual presence in the Tuscan landscape, a gift from ancient times, animals that once populated the pine forests between Pisa and the sea. "T...
Why the photograph of Trump with a raised fist can be held up as a symbol of our age

Why the photograph of Trump with a raised fist can be held up as a symbol of our age

It is not difficult to recognize the reasons why the photograph of Donald Trump with his fist raised after the bombing (in which an innocent man lost his life, and two other people were seriously injured), a photojournalistic masterpiece by Evan Vucc...
Andrea Fontanari, the poetry of the everyday

Andrea Fontanari, the poetry of the everyday

From the window of Andrea Fontanari's studio, one can see the gentle ridges that separate the Valsugana from the Adige Valley. In summer, the mountains of Trent are clothed in an emerald green that competes in intensity with the more ringing green of...
The church of Santa Maria in Castello in Tarquinia, the Romanesque that never stopped

The church of Santa Maria in Castello in Tarquinia, the Romanesque that never stopped

"Lt. Mario d'Orazio, on Sept. 13, 1935 - XIII E.F. with a happy group visited, contemplated, and invoked mercy this now no longer sacred place." The inscription is inscribed on the marble of the ambo of Santa Maria in Castello, once covered with vari...
Museums in 2023 set records for visitors and revenue: what's behind the numbers

Museums in 2023 set records for visitors and revenue: what's behind the numbers

With the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic behind them, Italy's state museums are returning to the numbers of the past: and with the usual emphasis, the Ministry of Culture in recent days released figures for 2023, the first year of full operation ...
A journey through four centuries of nostalgia. What the exhibition at Palazzo Ducale in Genoa looks like.

A journey through four centuries of nostalgia. What the exhibition at Palazzo Ducale in Genoa looks like.

It is the fault of a young man who studied medicine in late 17th-century Switzerland that today we are accustomed to taking on, whether we like it or not, increasingly large doses of nostalgia. He was the first to pose the problem of codifying this f...
Why is there a bear chained to the palace of a Renaissance city?

Why is there a bear chained to the palace of a Renaissance city?

A chained bear, tied to the facade of an elegant marble building. Standing upright on its hind legs, aggressive, in the act of attacking. The snout of the animal that is unhappy with that condition, with the chain that holds him there, attached to th...

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