San Galgano, fragment of mug found. Above is depicted the legendary sword in the rock.

Found in the excavation of San Galgano a fragment of a polychrome majolica mug on which the sword in the rock of the Hermitage of Montesiepi is depicted.

During the excavation of San Galgano, which came about as a result of the cooperation between the Municipality of Chiusdino and the Department of Historical Sciences and Cultural Heritage of the University of Siena, a fragment of a polychrome majolica tankard, on which a blue-colored sword with a handle sampled in yellow is depicted, was found in recent days. Although not visible in its entirety, it appears to be embedded in the three mounts below. On the left is a sprig embellished with stylized leaves.

On the Facebook page Archaeology in San Galgano, which recounts day by day the excavations made with the related discoveries, they say that at the moment they are waiting for a more in-depth study, but the archaeologists believe that “it may be a commissioned production, depicting precisely the coat of arms of the Abbey of San Galgano, to be dated between the 16th and 17th centuries and perhaps to be referred to Sienese or contado productions.”

They then add that the one depicted in the mug fragment is “without any doubt” the"sword in the stone" preserved in theHermitage of Montesiepi. Here, in fact, is kept on a stone in the center of the building the sword that was thrust into it in 1180 by St. Galgano, who, according to legend, was converted at just over 30 years old after the Archangel Michael appeared to him twice in a dream. He then received orders in a dream to build a rotunda in the area of Montesiepi and retire to live there as a hermit. So he did, and by a miracle he drove his sword into the rock to form a cross with the hilt. The story of the miracle of the sword in the rock spread around Siena and Montesiepi so that there were many pilgrims who asked St. Galgano for a miracle. He performed as many as nineteen.

San Galgano, fragment of mug found. Above is depicted the legendary sword in the rock.
San Galgano, fragment of mug found. Above is depicted the legendary sword in the rock.

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