A book on the arts in Habsburg Lombardy during the eighteenth century

The book The Arts in Habsburg Lombardy during the Eighteenth Century, proceedings of the study conference edited by Eugenia Bianchi, Alessandro Rovetta and Alessandra Squizzato, will be presented on Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in Milan’s Palazzo Reale. The conference on the eighteenth century in Habsburg Lombardy, held in June 2014 at Milan’s Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and the Pinacoteca di Brera represented an important moment of reflection on an era that has not had, since the 1991 Palazzo Reale exhibition, other opportunities for investigation. The conference, just like the exhibition held twenty-seven years ago, brought out the complexity of a century that is difficult to frame within unambiguous schemes and opened up new avenues of research.

“Numerous pieces are missing to arrive at an understanding of such a multifaceted and multifaceted century,” reads the presentation, “but this volume represents a step forward in knowledge, thanks to its contributions devoted to unpublished or insufficiently investigated episodes, catalog updates, critical reinterpretations and unprecedented historiographical insights. Alongside leading experiences, it has also turned its gaze to episodes that are not at the forefront, in the conviction that, never before as for the Lombard eighteenth century, a criticism that is too selective, misaligned with the yardstick of judgment of the moment, risks losing sight of essential elements for a reconstruction that is as philological as possible.”

Stella Rudolph, Riccardo Lattuada, Marco Bona Castellotti and the editors will speak at the presentation. The book, 464 pages, format 21 x 30 centimeters, costs 30 euros and is published by Scalpendi Editore. In addition, the volume is also a tribute to scholar Simonetta Coppa.

A book on the arts in Habsburg Lombardy during the eighteenth century
A book on the arts in Habsburg Lombardy during the eighteenth century

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