On Rai comes Dorian, documentary series dedicated to the greats of the 20th century

From De Chirico to Sironi, from Fattori to Morandi: from September 18 on RAI starts "Dorian. Art Doesn't Age," a series of documentaries on the great artists of the 20th century created with precious material from RAI's showcases and commentaries by contemporary personalities.

This fall Rai is premiering a new series, Dorian - Art does not age: it is a journey through theimmense heritage of the Teche Rai to discover the protagonists of the Italian art world of the 20th century, in search of precious and incredible images: artists at work in their ateliers, or in TV studios talking to journalists and intellectuals, or to the public, even younger ones, about their art, or about current cultural issues. The episodes will air Monday through Friday, starting Sept. 18 at 7:25 p.m., on Rai 5, Rai Play , and in podcast also on Rai Play Sound. A Rai Cultura and Rai Teche production, accompanied by the soundtrack of the Rai National Symphony Orchestra, by Lucrezia Capasso, Marisa Del Monte, Lucilla Paesani with direction by Sabrina Salvatorelli.

It is a unique opportunity to listen to the words and reflections of great artists or peek behind the scenes of their studios to see them at work, follow the creative technique, be direct witnesses of the creative process, which gives back the human side and the artistic evolution of personalities who today have rightfully entered the history of art. These are precious documents that testify to an era of creative richness, and offer an unrepeatable glimpse behind the scenes of twentieth-century Italian art.

So there will be documentaries on Giovanni Fattori, Giorgio de Chirico, Giorgio Morandi, Mario Sironi, Renato Guttuso, and then again Arturo Martini, Mino Maccari, Mario Ceroli, Mattia Moreni, Titina Maselli, Felice Casorati, Giacomo Manzù, Agenore Fabbri, Umberto Mastroianni, Marino Marini, Arnaldo Pomodoro, and Fausto Melotti. The documentaries will be accompanied by speeches by cultural personalities whose task it will be to ferry yesterday’s ideas into the present day: commenting on the historical images will be art historians Giorgina Bertolino, Vittoria Coen, Davide Ferri, Gina Ingrassia and Anna Villari, then Lorenzo Balbi, Director of the Museum of Modern Art in Bologna, Cristina Mazzantini, Curator of the Quirinale Contemporaneo collection, Alessandro Masi, Secretary General of the Dante Alighieri Society, journalist Federico Giannini director of Finestre sull’Arte, lecturer Barbara Cinelli, and film historian Raffaele Simongini.

The first episode of “Dorian,” airing Monday, Sept. 18 at 7:25 p.m. in its first broadcast on Rai 5, is dedicated to Emilio Vedova. The multifaceted artist, in the 1967 documentary “Encounters,” reconstructs the stages of the creation of the video-sound installation “Path/Plural/Light” with which he participated in the Montreal International Expo in July 1967. The installation, by means of 14 large projectors, unites the various spaces and consists of the projection of 112 Murano glass plates on sail-shaped panels with asynchronous movements and accompanied by Marino Zuccheri’s electronic notes. An innovative proposal in which Vedova breaks the two-dimensional space and invites the viewer to become an integral part of the installation. During the episode, art historian Alessandro Masi highlights Vedova’s creative qualities and addresses the importance of keeping artists’ memories alive through viewing archival materials.

This is followed by episodes on many of the greats of the 20th century. Renzo Vespignani performing a live portrait of his daughter Marta, and Giorgio De Chirico making his “The Sun on the Easel” in front of RAI cameras, chatting ironically with director Franco Simongini. Renato Guttuso who chats with Antonello Trombadori, art critic and friend of the artist, confronts an audience of young people under the moderation of Giorgio Albertazzi, and chats amicably with journalist Indro Montanelli as he works on the realization of a “still life.” Emilio Vedova who in 1967 narrates the video-sound installation “Path/Plural/Light” with which he participated in the Montreal International Expo. Mario Sironi in the different aspects of his artistic production: from the unpublished poems in the television studio of “Ritratto d’autore” in 1972, to the creation of pictorial and mural works. The artistic story of Alberto Burri narrated and analyzed by the great critic Cesare Brandi, through two documentaries signed by him. The direct testimonies of Carlo Carrà who went through the successive phases of the artistic expressions of the twentieth century from futurism to metaphysics. The appointment is for this fall on Rai 5.

On Rai comes Dorian, documentary series dedicated to the greats of the 20th century
On Rai comes Dorian, documentary series dedicated to the greats of the 20th century

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