Theater performance beyond the stage. Emilia Romagna Teatro's digital initiatives.

ERT - Emilia Romagna Teatro goes beyond the stage: it is now onAir and onStage.

According to the provisions of the DPCM, theaters are closed, but ERT - Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione is not stopping: it has organized a real online schedule to continue its activities. “We associate ourselves with the widespread feeling of concern, expressed by many parties, about the increasingly precarious future that is looming for the world of culture as a whole, and particularly of theater in its various articulations, convinced that it is precisely culture and theater that are useful to the country and that, therefore, a crisis of theirs would cause serious damage in the first instance to the workers in this sector but, in general, to the entire nation,” reads a note. However, ERT informs that “the theater remains in turmoil and we are continuing to work to be present and close.”

ERTonAir, which has already been tested during the past months of lockdown, thus continues. “Not a stage, nor an archive of theatrical videos, but a small space of virtual trespassing, freedom and online interaction, a border zone between the screen and the stage, an ”other“ way to continue being together”: this is how this initiative is described. “An online container that envisions theater as a place of thought always available to the public. Aiming at the theatrical universe an ”augmented" view, ERTonAIR experiments with new expressive formats, in step with the technological rush of this permeating virtuality."

Thus was born ERTonSTAGE, from the belief that "a theatrical performance can have many lives, even beyond the perimeter of the stage. ERTonAIR ’s new space exploits the peculiarities of audio-visual language to bring to life in-depth focuses on the plays at the center of the Foundation’s seasons. Not, therefore, the classic integral re-presentation of performances in the form mediated by video recordings but a creative, dynamic and original “rewriting” of them, which, in proposing new materials and drawing strength from the potential of the medium employed, opens up new explorations within the great and elusive universe that animates a theatrical performance. Stage and online platform become, thus, the communicating vessels to multiply the glances at the fascinating metamorphoses that theatrical creation brings."

For more information and to view the program, you can visit and follow the social channels.

Ph.Credit ERT - Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione

Theater performance beyond the stage. Emilia Romagna Teatro's digital initiatives.
Theater performance beyond the stage. Emilia Romagna Teatro's digital initiatives.

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.