A queen bee and a dragonfly in the gardens of the Reggia di Venaria: these are the installations of Hilario Isola

The site-specific project "Sinergie Esapodi" has kicked off with the first two works installed in the historic Gardens of the Reggia della Venaria: a large Queen Bee and a Dragonfly made by Turin-based artist Hilario Isola enrich the permanent collection of contemporary art.

A large Queen Bee and a dragonfly in the Historic Gardens of the Reggia di Venaria: kicked off with the first two works installed in the High Park, and will be completed in the spring of 2024 with a third work that will be set in the Potager Royal at the Cascina Medici del Vascello, the project Sinergie Esapodi. A site-specific intervention created by Turin-based artist Hilario Isola (1976) and related to the theme of sustainability, an identity element for the Consortium of Royal Residences of Savoy.

Since Friday, November 24, the month of contemporary art in Turin, the Reggia di Venaria has therefore enriched its permanent collection of contemporary art with two works that seen from afar look like gigantic drawings, but that up close turn out to be installations made by superimposing thin anti-hail nets, of those used in agriculture to protect fruits and vegetables from ice grains and possible pests. Nets produced on an industrial scale, cut, superimposed and stitched together by Hilario Isola who creates the image of an enlarged landscape or insect.

Such as the Queen Bee and the dragonfly (Palpares Libelluloides) now inserted among the lush vegetation of the Reggia’s historic Gardens and intended to become symbols of a hoped-for return to sustainable agricultural practices and, more generally, to express the need to rediscover biodiversity and the good practices of a diversification of agricultural cultures, both to cope with the current climate change and to counter the outsized growth of monocultures.

Thus, works focused on the role played, in integrated pest management, by certain insects, hexapods, which work together in synergy to balance and maintain the agroecosystem by increasing its biodiversity. Hence the title of the entire project Sinergie Esapodi, curated by Alessia Bellone and Guido Curto.

A queen bee and a dragonfly in the gardens of the Reggia di Venaria: these are the installations of Hilario Isola
A queen bee and a dragonfly in the gardens of the Reggia di Venaria: these are the installations of Hilario Isola

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