At the Uffizi, directors and representatives of historic gardens from across Europe for a forum

At the Uffizi Galleries the Forum of the European Route of Historic Gardens. Directors and representatives of Europe's Historic Gardens gathered to talk about sustainability and environmental protection.

On May 25, 2023, the Uffizi Galleries will host the Forum of the European Route of Historic Gardens, entitled A Europe of United Gardens. Directors and representatives of historic gardens from all over Europe, along with specialists and scholars, will discuss in theAuditorium of the Gallery of Statues and Paintings the many topics on the agenda, including sustainability, environmental stewardship and the protection of cultural heritage.

The Uffizi Galleries, with the Boboli Gardens, perhaps the most emblematic and celebrated example of Italian gardens in the world, are part of the Route, which to date brings together forty-one gardens from numerous countries.

The talks will be held in English and Italian, with speakers from the countries involved in the European network-Spain, Poland, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Belgium and Ukraine. The Forum will also be streamed live on the Uffizi Galleries’ Facebook page.

After the official opening of the proceedings by the director of the Uffizi Galleries Eike Schmidt, speakers on May 25 will include Stefano Dominioni, director of the European Institute of Cultural Routes; Eugenio Giani, president of the region of Tuscany; Carlo Francini, head of the UNESCO office of the City of Florence; and Lukasz Przybylk, vice-president of the European Route of Historic Gardens.

“The stage of the conference at the Uffizi is determined by the fact that for centuries Boboli has been the example for formal gardens in Italy and abroad. Sustainability of museums and environmental protection are even hotter topics today, with the whole world confronted with ecological drama and, in Italy, Romagna being bent by an unprecedented flood,” said Director Eike Schmidt.

The event will continue by addressing the theme Diversity of Relationships among Europe’s Historic Gardens, whose speakers will be Bruce Edelstein, Coordinator of the Graduate and Advanced Research Program at NYU Florence; Chris Blandford, President of World Heritage UK (WHUK) of the United Kingdom; Albert Fekete, Curator of the Hungarian Botanical Heritage Foundation and Director of the Institute of Architecture, Urban Planning and Botanical Art at MATE; Nikolaos Thymakis, Committee Member of the Metropolitan Green SA (National Garden of Athens), Vice-Manager of the Balkan Botanic Garden at Kroussia-Hao Demeter; Júlia Roman Quetgles, Professor at the Department of Historical Sciences and Theory of the Arts at the University of the Balearic Islands; Andreina Contessa, Director of the Historical Museum and Park of Miramare Castle and the Regional Department of Museums of Friuli Venezia Giulia; Ibo Gülsen, Managing Director of Imagineering Hort Culture (IGMPR) and Vice-President of the International Garden Tourism Network, Netherlands; Pier Francesco Bernacchi, President of Sviluppo Turistico Collodi overseen by the “Carlo Collodi” National Foundation; Cinzia Laurelli, representing the project coordinator of Sviluppo Turistico Collodi s.r.l (STC); Luis Lizama, representing partner Telewander ApS; Ana Rosa Moreno, representing partner European Route of Historic Gardens (ERHG).

The second scheduled topic entitled Historic Gardens United in Challenges: water, will feature as speakers: Alberta Campitelli, Chair of the Scientific Committee for the Italian Ministry of Culture Museums and Vice-President of the Italian Parks and Gardens Association (APGI).; Andrea Bruciati, Director of Villa Adriana and Villa d’Este; Ágnes Herczeg, President of the Hungarian Botanical Heritage Foundation; Paola Ruggeri, Curator of the Architectural Heritage of the Boboli Gardens; Marco Mozzo, Director of the Villa di Castello and La Petraia of the Regional Museums Directorate of Tuscany; Valerio Tesi, Director of the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the Provinces of Pisa and Livorno; Maciej Zolnierczuk, of the Gardens of the Museum of the Palace of King Jan III in Wilanów, Warsaw; Paola Viola, of the Preservation and Enhancement of the Park Complex, Reggia Di Caserta; Lukasz Przybylak, Vice President of the European Route of Historic Gardens.

Closing the day will be Lukasz Przybylak, vice president of the European Network of Historic Gardens.

At the Uffizi, directors and representatives of historic gardens from across Europe for a forum
At the Uffizi, directors and representatives of historic gardens from across Europe for a forum

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