A major exhibition in Rome dedicated to Gustav Klimt and the Viennese Secession.

The Museum of Rome at Palazzo Braschi presents a major exhibition dedicated to the Viennese Secession master Gustav Klimt from October 27, 2021 to March 27, 2022.

From October 27, 2021 to March 27, 2022, the Museum of Rome at Palazzo Braschi will host a major exhibition dedicated to the master of the Viennese Secession: Gustav Klimt (Baumgarten, 1862 - Vienna, 1918).

After 110 years, when he participated with a solo exhibition at the Venice Biennale in 1910 and the following year received the prize of the International Art Exhibition, Klimt returns to Italy, to the capital, with an exhibition entitled Klimt. Secession and Italy.

More than two hundred works by Klimt and the artists in his circle, including paintings, drawings, period posters and sculptures, in from the Belvedere Museum in Vienna and the Klimt Foundation, will be on display. The public will thus have the opportunity to admire iconic works such as the world-famous Judith I (1901), Lady in White (1917-18), Friends I (The Sisters) (1907) and Amalie Zuckerkandl (1917-18). The exhibition also counts exceptional loans, such as The Bride (1917-18), which leaves the Klimt Foundation for the first time, and the Portrait of a Lady (1916-17), stolen from the Galleria d’Arte Moderna Ricci Oddi in Piacenza in 1997, recovered in 2019 and recently returned to its original home.

The aim of the Roman exhibition is to trace the life and artistic production of Gustav Klimt, emphasizing his role as founder of the Viennese Secession and investigating his connection with Italy.

Klimt. The Secession and Italy is promoted by Roma Culture, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, co-produced by Arthemisia, which is also organizing with Zètema Progetto Cultura, in collaboration with the Belvedere Museum and in cooperation with Klimt Foundation; is curated by Franz Smola, curator of the Belvedere Museum, Maria Vittoria Marini Clarelli, Capitoline Superintendent of Cultural Heritage, and Sandra Tretter, deputy director of the Klimt Foundation in Vienna.

For more info: www.museodiroma.it

Image: Gustav Klimt, Judith I, detail (1901; Vienna, Österreichische Galerie)

A major exhibition in Rome dedicated to Gustav Klimt and the Viennese Secession.
A major exhibition in Rome dedicated to Gustav Klimt and the Viennese Secession.

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