Florence, Medici Riccardi Palace dedicates an exhibition to the figure of Orpheus

In Florence, Palazzo Medici Riccardi is dedicating an exhibition from March 20 to September 8, 2024 to Orpheus, one of the most famous figures of classical myth. About sixty works from antiquity to the present are on display.

From March 20 to September 8, 2024, Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence will host in its exhibition halls the exhibition The Enchantment of Orpheus. In the Art of All Times. From Titian to the Contemporary, curated by Sergio Risaliti and Valentina Zucchi born from a project by the director of the Museo Novecento, promoted by Città Metropolitana di Firenze and organized by MUS.E.

The exhibition will display about sixty works dedicated to one of the most famous figures of classical myth: Orpheus. Famous for the myth related to him, that of Orpheus and Eurydice, his figure is also linked to his ability to enchant animals through music.

Visitors will have the opportunity to see paintings and sculptures, drawings and manuscripts, installations and films that refer to Orpheus and range from antiquity to the present. Beginning with the Neo-Attic marble relief with Orpheus, Eurydice and Hermes, from the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, which depicts the second and final parting of the cantor from his beloved (a source of inspiration for the poet Rainer Maria Rilke, author of the Sonnets to Orpheus), to works by Titian, Parmigianino, van Honthorst, Bruegel the Elder, Rembrandt, Delacroix, Moreau, Redon, Feuerbach, De Chirico, Cocteau, Savinio, Melotti, Twombly and Paladino from prestigious Italian and international cultural institutions as well as private collections.

For info: https://www.palazzomediciriccardi.it/

Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Closed Wednesdays.

Florence, Medici Riccardi Palace dedicates an exhibition to the figure of Orpheus
Florence, Medici Riccardi Palace dedicates an exhibition to the figure of Orpheus

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