The woman? Almost absent from public statuary. An exhibition in Milan on women and sculpture

The woman? Almost absent from public statuary, but not only. In Milan, Palazzo Reale, a photographic exhibition reflects on the relationship between women and sculpture.

From July 14, 2021 to September 5, 2021, Milan’s Palazzo Reale is hosting the exhibition Sculpted. The exhibition, which takes place in the Sale degli Arazzi of the Royal Palace, aims to contribute, through the gaze of 35 artists of the Association of Women Photographers, to the creation of an open and critical vision of the figure of women in the collective imagination and to stimulate a reflection on the presence of women in statuary and, in particular, on their absence in public statuary. An intent shared and supported by the Terre des Hommes Foundation, which for 10 years has been carrying out the indefense campaign, for the rights of girls and young women, and through the petition #UnaStatuaPerLeBambine, launched in July 2020, has invited the citizens of Milan to reflect on the theme of gender equality and the need to choose new models and symbols for the girls and women of tomorrow, to whom new monuments should be dedicated in the city. The petition has collected more than 4,000 signatures, thanks to the support and endorsement of numerous representatives of local and national institutions. The petition can be signed online.

The exhibition is part of the framework of initiatives and events dedicated to the issue of public memory and gender identity promoted by the City of Milan - Culture and organized by the Equal Opportunities Commission on the Milanese territory and many realities of women’s associations. “With this exhibition, the Associazione Donne Fotografe,” the association makes known, “is committed to the common goal of restoring meaning and presence to women, looking at them not only as bodies but in a moreÌ€ full dimension of thought and action, revealing stories that deserve to be heard and revisited.”

"The beautiful works in the Sculpted exhibition," says Donatella Vergari, president of Terre des Hommes, “give us a valuable reflection on the representation of women in the public spaces of our cities. A reflection that Terre des Hommes has developed through the petition #UnaStatuaPerLeBambine, to reiterate the need to propose new symbols, in the streets and squares of Milan, to offer the younger generations new models from which to draw inspiration to pursue their dreams and defeat prejudices and stereotypes. It was natural to share this path with the Association of Women Photographers and create this exhibition together, and we are grateful to the City of Milan and its representatives who have always shown full support for our initiatives.”

The artists in the exhibition are: Vittoria Amati, Tiziana Arici, Alessandra Attianese, Lucia Baldini, Isabella Balena, Raffaella Benetti, Patrizia Bonanzinga, Marianna Cappelli, Loredana Celano, Isabella Colonnello, Antonietta Corvetti, Giovanna Dal Magro, Margherita Dametti, Colomba D’Apolito, Isabella De Maddalena, Flavia Faranda, Fulvia Farassino, Simona Filippini, Antonella Gandini, Claudia Ioan, Silvia Lelli, Sonia Lenzi, Marzia Malli, Giuliana Mariniello, Paola Mattioli, Melania Messina, Rosetta Messori, Antonella Monzoni, Bruna Orlandi,Nicoletta Prandi, Patrizia Pulga, Patrizia Riviera, Anna Rosati, Margherita Verdi, Amalia Violi. The exhibition is promoted by the City of Milan - Culture, Palazzo Reale and organized by Associazione Donne Fotografe, together with Terre des Hommes, and is part of La Bella Estate, the summer cultural schedule promoted by the City of Milan.

Photo: Isabella Balena, Do you have to be naked to enter museums? Venus with an apple by B. Thorvaldsen 1816. Gallerie d’Italia, Milan, 2020

The woman? Almost absent from public statuary. An exhibition in Milan on women and sculpture
The woman? Almost absent from public statuary. An exhibition in Milan on women and sculpture

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