Visionaria: in Rome, Alessandra Carloni's homage to Italo Calvino

On view in Rome from May 17 to 26 in the sumptuous Palazzo della Cancelleria, a stone's throw from Campo de' Fiori, is Alessandra Carloni's Visionaria exhibition, which uses lines and colors to shape a true journey into Calvino's world.

Scheduled to take place in Rome from May 17 to 26 in the sumptuous Palazzo della Cancelleria, a stone’s throw from Campo de’ Fiori, is Alessandra Carloni ’s exhibition Visionaria, which, with lines and colors, gives shape to a true journey into the world of Calvin. This is also the subtitle chosen for the artistic production - forty works painted in oil or mixed media - presented by GALLERIA DADART, represented by Gallerist Daniela Diodato, with the critical text edited by Daniela Pronestì.

On the occasion of the centenary of Italo Calvino’s birth, Roman artist Alessandra Carloni, in collaboration with DADART, has developed Visionaria, a project created to bring to the exhibition a cycle of works inspired by some of the famous author’s short stories: The Baron in the Trees, Marcovaldo, Invisible Cities, American Lessons and If One Winter Night a Traveler. Carloni, also known internationally for her murals, has already worked in 2017 on a series of paintings featuring Cosimo Piovasco di Rondò. So, the painter’s aim will not be to propose simple interpretations or revisions of materials already produced, but measured transpositions of scenes and situations, sometimes even of a lyrical nature, placing her characters in visionary and surreal panoramas born from the suggestions caught during the reading. The artist stimulates the viewer’s psyche to urge him or her to find their place in the world, making use of the archetype of travel that often has literary references and through the comparison of art and reality. Underlying Visionaria is Carloni’s great respect for Calvino, a writer he feels very close to his imagery inhabited by wandering characters, giant animals and flying mechanical constructions.

Patrons will enter a path developed within four rooms, each room highlighting the development of Calvinian themes in Carloni’s production. The first three rooms will tell the painter’s interpretation of the theme Man-Nature, Man-City, imaginary cities and alternative and labyrinthine paths, thus giving a completely personal interpretative key to Calvino’s universe, a real journey that the artist makes with her vision inside the author and concludes with the fourth room dedicated to the fifth and last novel The American Lessons with works that have a more conceptual key, together with the presentation and projection of a 3d animated video made by the author Francesco Gini, especially for the event.

“I have built a multifaceted structure in which each short text stands next to the others in a succession that does not imply a consequentiality or hierarchy but a network within which multiple paths can be traced and multiple and branching conclusions can be drawn,” says the artist, to which art critic Pronestì’s words are added: “More than a homage to Calvino’s work, what Alessandra Carloni proposes in this exhibition is a dialogue to the sound of images with an author congenial to her sensibility as an artist. Or, to put it better, to her way of looking at the world and transposing this vision into a language that goes beyond the visible by appealing to the ’visionaryness’ of the imagination. Alessandra Carloni ”looked“ into Calvino’s words, explored every avenue, every corner, moved with freedom inquel labyrinth, and came out bringing out what she felt akin to her own story. That is, the possibility of delving into the theme dear to her of the balance between man and nature through the Calvino of The Invisible Cities, Marcovaldo and The Baron in the Rampant, moving on to a reflection on ”method“ - in the affinity between writing and painting - with If One Winter Night a Traveler and American Lessons. His Invisible Cities show a dynamic, mobile scenario that alternates between flight, unstable equilibrium, and dissolving form, the compact rigidity of structures that seem designed to house the ”metallic“ humanity of a distant future. Cities that soar over patches of land, others that expand in width, others that crumble like autumn leaves or float in the air. Then there are ”technological“ cities with pixels instead of bricks and urban vistas where the future is already past, with lopsided houses, scrap metal, and pipes that miraculously remain standing. Nature regains the space that civilization has taken from it in cities built on water, having below, in the depths of the sea, a world teeming with life and largely freed from human interference.”

In collaboration with Dadart Editions, a catalog will be produced containing the paintings on display accompanied by critical texts edited by Daniela Pronestì.

Visionaria is an ambitious project, a tribute to Calvino, his worlds and ideas, his being a citizen of the world. Carloni dwells again on this author, delves into his thought and produces a mature and lyrical reworking of images in the same way that the author with his writing has been able to evoke in our inner selves.

Alessandra Carloni, was born in Rome in 1984, where she lives and works. She graduated from theAcademy of Fine Arts in Rome in 2008 and graduated in 2013 in History of Contemporary Art, at theUniversity “La Sapienza”. Since 2009 she began her activity as a painter and artist, exhibiting in solo and group exhibitions in galleries in Rome and other Italian cities, winning several awards and competitions. In parallel, she also began her activity as a street artist, creating mural works in several Italian cities and villages and abroad, winning awards and recognition.

For all information, you can call +39 089 2879044.

Visionaria: in Rome, Alessandra Carloni's homage to Italo Calvino
Visionaria: in Rome, Alessandra Carloni's homage to Italo Calvino

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