Jobs: vacancies for librarians, archivists, contemporary art experts

Cultural heritage jobs selected for the period July 31-Aug. 6. Positions open at museums, foundations and public agencies.

New appointment with job openings collected by Windows on Art. Here are the ones we have selected for you this week:

In Merano (Bolzano), the Merano Museum of Contemporary Art is seeking an executive assistant and press officer for maternity replacement. Knowledge of English and German required, diploma and/or practical experience, excellent organizational skills. To apply, send your CV to More info on the museum website.

In Scandicci (Florence), the Gucci fashion house is seeking an order handler for its museum. Degree in languages, or business required. Info on Gucci’s website (enter the word “museum” in the internal search engine).

In Città di Castello (Perugia), the Atlante cooperative is seeking temporary employees for museum placement. The job involves visitor reception, ticketing and surveillance services, conducting guided tours and educational tours. Bachelor’s degree in the humanities with specialization in art history required, domicile in Valtiberina. For information go to the Atlas website.

In Arese (Milan), Adecco spa is seeking an attendant for a museum in Garbagnate Milanese. Knowledge of German, French and English required. The attendant will be in charge of reception, guided tours, bookshop sales and surveillance. To apply go to Adecco’s website.

In Nuoro and Sondrio, Ales spa, a subsidiary of the Ministry of Culture, is seeking four library staff (two per location). At least 12 months’ experience required. To view the notices, go to the Ales spa website. The notices are due Aug. 7.

In Lissone (Monza Brianza), the local Museum of Contemporary Art is seeking a new director, for a three-year position. The call for applications is due Aug. 9, 2017. For information go to the City of Lissone website.

In Piombino (Livorno), the Municipality of Piombino is seeking two archivists for permanent positions (one position is reserved for staff already employed by the municipality). Degree in archival science required. To see the call for applications, go to the Piombino Municipality website. The call for applications is due Aug. 24.

In Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza), the City of Bassano del Grappa is looking for a technical collaborator for the museum area: he or she will be in charge of organizing and setting up exhibitions. The search is in external mobility, so it is reserved for public administration personnel. To see the notice go to the website of the City of Bassano del Grappa.

Image: Piombino. Credit

Jobs: vacancies for librarians, archivists, contemporary art experts
Jobs: vacancies for librarians, archivists, contemporary art experts

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