Working in culture, job openings of the week

Open positions, vacancies, competitions in culture: here are the proposals from April 29 to May 6.

As every week, the appointment for those looking for jobs in culture is back: here are open positions, vacancies and competitions that we have collected during the week of April 29 to May 6, 2022.

In Milan,IULM University has published a call for a fixed-term researcher in contemporary art history. Deadline May 30, 2022. For information go to the IULM website.

In Milan,IULM University has published a call for a fixed-term researcher in industrial design. Deadline May 23, 2022. For information go to the IULM website.

In Trento, the Ars Consortium is looking for restoration technicians for various construction sites, facade restoration, particularly inherent to specialist areas 1 and 2. Temporary employment. For info and applications go to the Ars Consortium website.

InTrento, theUniversity of Trento is holding an open competition for the recruitment of one full-time, permanent staff member for the technical, technical-scientific and data processing area in the audio video and multimedia office of the University’s Digital and Library Services Directorate. Expiry date May 30, 2022. For information go to the University of Trent website.

In Trent, theUniversity of Trent is holding an open competition for the recruitment of two permanent expert linguistic associates for German at the University Language Center. Deadline May 23, 2022. For information go to the University of Trento website.

In Florence, theIstituto degli Innocenti has published a notice for the position of Director General. Deadline May 23. For the notice go to the Istituto degli Innocenti website.

In Naples, the C.S.I. Gaiola onlus is seeking employees who can bring their skills to bear on the protection and enhancement of environmental and cultural heritage. There are five job positions sought: scientific sea operator, scientific land operator, nautical vehicle operator, archaeological operator and project manager. For information see the website of C.S.I. Gaiola onlus.

In Urbania (Pesaro), theUnione Montana Alta Valle del Metauro has published a public election notice for the formation of a list of suitable candidates to be hired, with the position of cultural services executive instructor (cat. D). Deadline May 20, 2022. For information see the Alta Valle del Metauro Mountain Union website.

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Working in culture, job openings of the week
Working in culture, job openings of the week

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