Working in culture: vacancies, open positions and competitions in the first week of 2021

First appointment of the year with the column for job seekers: here are vacancies, open positions and competitions of the week between January 1 and 8, 2021.

First appointment of 2021 with our traditional Friday column dedicated to job seekers. So let’s take a look at the vacancies, open positions, opportunities, and calls for applications that we have collected in this first week of the year.

In Rome, the company Ales spa, the in-house of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, is looking for an institutional communication and social media officer. Fixed-term contract with possibility of transformation to permanent. Last day: deadline January 9. For info consult the Ales spa website.

In Rome, the Fondazione Scuola Beni Attività Culturali (Cultural Activities School Foundation ) announces a selection for an expert to support and assist in the production of multimedia courses for the training project “Management of artistic-cultural heritage and corporate collections.” Deadline January 13. For info see the website of the Cultural Heritage Activities School Foundation.

In Rome,Guglielmo Marconi University announces selective procedures to fill researcher positions for the Faculty of Arts: one in sociology of cultural and communicative processes and one in Latin language and literature. Both are due Jan. 18. For info see the Guglielmo Marconi University website.

InFlorence, theUniversity of Florence is holding a competition for a position in the university’s Cultural Heritage Enhancement Area - Museum System, and specifically for the Specola Museum of Natural History. Deadline Jan. 18, for the announcement go to the University of Florence website.

In Arezzo, the Guido d’Arezzo Foundation announces a selection for a position as a collaborator in the administrative, accounting and logistical activities of the Foundation, with particular reference to the management of buildings and theater spaces; in addition, the figure collaborates in the graphic design of the Foundation’s promotional and advertising materials. Deadline is January 15. For info see the Guido d’Arezzo Foundation website.

InL’Aquila, theUniversity of L’Aquila is holding a competition for 19 category C positions including some for the library area. Deadline January 21. For information go to the University of L’Aquila website.

In Rottofreno (Piacenza), the City of Rottofreno announces a competition for a permanent library assistant. Deadline is January 18. For info see the Rottofreno Municipality website.

In Canossa (Reggio Emilia), theUnione dei Comuni della Val d’Enza announces a selection for the manager of the Rupe Campotrera Nature Reserve. Deadline is January 28. For information go to the Unione Val d’Enza website.

In Sesto Fiorentino (Florence), the City of Sesto Fiorentino announces a selection for the position of director of the Fondazione Museo Archivio Richard Ginori della Manifattura di Doccia. Deadline is January 15. For information go to the website of the City of Sesto Fiorentino.

In Orvieto, Perugia, the City of Orvieto is holding a competition for a library management instructor. Deadline is Jan. 14. For information go to the website of the Municipality of Orvieto.

In Monte Sant ’Angelo (Foggia), the Municipality of Monte Sant’Angelo announces a competition for a full-time, permanent position of cultural activities specialist. Deadline is Jan. 27. For info consult the website of the Municipality of Monte Sant’Angelo.

In Sammichele di Bari (Bari), the Municipality of Sammichele di Bari announces a competition for the permanent recruitment of a sociocultural specialist. Deadline is Jan. 18. For information see the website of the Municipality of Sammichele di Bari.

Working in culture: vacancies, open positions and competitions in the first week of 2021
Working in culture: vacancies, open positions and competitions in the first week of 2021

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