Auctions Dec. 14-20: ancient art, design and wines

Christmas is getting closer and closer. To help you with gifts, here are the best auctions from Dec. 14 to 20.

For those interested in art from the East, there is ORIENTAL ART | 东方艺术 on Dec. 20 at Pandolfini.

Wannenes is offering the Forme auctions for Dec. 14 and Design for Dec. 15.

Cambi opens the Antique Rugs and Old Masters auctions on Dec. 14 and the Photography and Artist’s Multiples, Modern and Contemporary Art and Design auctions on Dec. 15.

Lots of auctions at Finarte: on Dec. 14 there is The Art of “The Lord of the Rings”; on Dec. 15 there are Rare Antique Arms from the Malay Archipelago and Wines and Spirits; on Dec. 16 there will be Antique Weapons, Armor and Militaria and Christmas Pop: Art, Sneakers and Design; on Dec. 19 we will have Modern and Contemporary Art.

On Dec. 16 Pananti opens the auctions ANTIQUARIES, AUTHORS OF THE 19th AND 20th SEC and MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ART.

Three auctions at Christie’s: Dec. 14 are Valuable Books and Manuscripts and Me, My Brain and I; Dec. 16 will be Art d’Asie.

Five auctions at Sotheby’s: Dec. 14 is De la précieuse bibliothèque Jorge Ortiz Linares and Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions Global Sale; Dec. 15 is Modern and Contemporary Auction and The Halpern Judaica Collection: Tradition and Treasure; Dec. 16 through Jan. 13 is Charlie Mackesy. Look How Far We’ve Come.

Pictured: Francesco Caccianiga, Landscapes with Architecture and Figures, for sale at Cambi

Auctions Dec. 14-20: ancient art, design and wines
Auctions Dec. 14-20: ancient art, design and wines

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