A love between skateboarder and dancer: the Musée d'Orsay's emotional short film

A romance between a skateboarder and a dancer against the backdrop of the Louvre and the Musée d'Orsay. Here is the emotional short film by young French directors Tristan Helias and Marin Troude.

The emotional short film starring a skateboarder, a classical dancer, the Louvre and the Musée d’Orsay is called Museum: the video, just under three minutes long, sees the boy traversing the streets of a Paris that appears empty and still and, passing through the pyramid of the Louvre, finally arrives at the Musée d’Orsay (where the girl had meanwhile danced in front of the works) to join her.

The short film, produced by Enibas Productions and written and directed by Tristan Helias and Marin Troude, features Helias himself as the skateboarder and the dancer Victoria Dauberville as the dancer, while the music of contemporary British composer Max Richter’s piece November (from the 2009 album Memoryhouse: Richter moreover supported Helias and Troude in the production of the short film) runs in the background. For the Musée d’Orsay, Museum is “a contemporary love story set in a magical fairy-tale Paris, as well as an exclusive journey among empty monuments.” Viewers, the museum continues in a note, “are transported by beautifully orchestrated choreography, where skateboarding becomes a new dance form for the first time and is elevated to the rank of modern choreographic art.”

The video’s goals are several: to raise awareness of the Musée d’Orsay’s heritage (the credits, moreover, list every single work that appears in the short film), to open the doors of classical art to contemporary forms of aggregation such as skateboarding, to open new perspectives on the heritage closed due to the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. And it is also a way to communicate art to the public in an emotional way-a trend that more and more institutions around the world are beginning to explore to better reach people.

Below is the video, which has already surpassed 90,000 views on YouTube:

A love between skateboarder and dancer: the Musée d'Orsay's emotional short film
A love between skateboarder and dancer: the Musée d'Orsay's emotional short film

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