Ferragni at the Uffizi, unnecessary controversy: she paid and went after visiting hours

Much ado about nothing: Vogue paid for Chiara Ferragni's shoot at the Uffizi. Which took place off visit.

Much ado about nothing, one might say adopting the title of the Shakespearean play: the vigorous controversy over Chiara Ferragni ’s photo shoot at the Uffizi may be partly extinguished, now that more is known around the ways in which the celebrated influencer used the museum for her shots. Much of the hornet’s nest arose around the possibility that Chiara Ferragni had used the Uffizi for free and that her shoot had precluded others from visiting the museum.

The press office of the Uffizi Galleries, reached by Finestre sull’Arte, confirmed that Chiara Ferragni went to the Uffizi during hours when it was closed to the public, and as a result, the set set up for the entrepreneur did not in the least affect the public’s ability to admire the works in the gallery. In addition, the museum has made it known that, as is normal in such cases, the client of the photo shoot, namely Vogue magazine, paid a regular fee agreed upon with a concession contract, as is always done in such cases, in accordance with the regulations of the Cultural Heritage Code.

In fact, in Article 106, the Code states that “the State, the regions and other public territorial bodies may grant the use of the cultural goods they have in consignment, for purposes compatible with their cultural destination, to individual applicants,” and that the Ministry “shall determine the fee due and adopt the relevant measure.” In short, everything is regular and no free concession: at the moment, however, it is not yet possible to know how much Vogue paid for the service.

The controversy therefore can now focus only on the Uffizi’s Instagram post, which established a comparison between Chiara Ferragni and Simonetta Vespucci, still wrongly believed to be Botticelli’s muse, when the reality was quite different. To the people of the web the arduous task of assessing how far the blogger and influencer should keep herself from the sans par.

Ferragni at the Uffizi, unnecessary controversy: she paid and went after visiting hours
Ferragni at the Uffizi, unnecessary controversy: she paid and went after visiting hours

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