Genoa, Palazzo Spinola's National Gallery expands: MiBACT seeks new property

In Genoa, MiBACT is looking for a property for Palazzo Spinola: the museum in Piazza Pellicceria is in fact expanding and needs new space.

The National Gallery of Palazzo Spinola is expanding. On these very pages, when interviewing Gianluca Zanelli, director of the National Gallery of Liguria (one of the Gallery’s sections) we were giving an account of the museum’s frenetic activity on the acquisitions front, and even then there was talk of the possibility of expanding the gallery because space was no longer enough. Now, the institution of Palazzo Reale (on which Palazzo Spinola depends), one of MiBACT’s autonomous museums, is therefore looking for a new property in the municipal area of Genoa to expand the Gallery.

The requirements? A minimum gross area of about 1.000 square meters, with ample room square footage in order to allow for museum activities, temporary exhibitions, offices, storage and other activities related to the enjoyment/valorization of cultural heritage, a conformation of the spaces such that a continuous exhibition route can be guaranteed even on several floors as long as they are contiguous, and then a location preferably in the city center (perhaps within 250 meters from Palazzo Spinola), easy connections to the main communication routes, compliance with the technical-urban regulations in force and the technical rule of fire prevention. Again, the property must have an electrical system and an emergency lighting system, it must be fully wired and equipped with an independent air conditioning system, there must be an alarm and video surveillance system, and it must be accessible by the handicapped.

The notice is therefore aimed at owners who wish to submit a bid to MiBACT, all by noon on Feb. 12. If there are multiple bids, the Royal Palace will appoint a selection committee to find the most suitable property. So we will see if the ministry will find a new home to expand one of northern Italy’s most important museums.

Pictured: the Gallery of Mirrors in Palazzo Spinola. Ph. Credit Visit Genoa

Genoa, Palazzo Spinola's National Gallery expands: MiBACT seeks new property
Genoa, Palazzo Spinola's National Gallery expands: MiBACT seeks new property

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