As of today, Windows on Art podcasts are available in English!

We are resuming the publication of Windows on Art podcasts in English, for an experience that will involve native speakers-Katherine Kirby, Kiriko Brindley, and Chet Starr.

After the experiment conducted in 2011, the year during which we had published four episodes of our podcast in English, we are now starting to reintroduce the English-language version of our podcasts, since the foreign audience of our website and Facebook page has been growing steadily and has been asking us for some time when we would resume publishing podcasts in English.

This time we are enlisting the help of native speakers from the United States of America: the Italian episodes will be translated into English by the “new addition” to the Windows on Art team, young translator Katherine Kirby, who will alternate reading the translated podcasts with Chet Starr and Kiriko Brindley, the voices of the English podcast.

The podcasts will be posted on this page and will retain the characteristics of the episodes in Italian: quality, clarity, ease of understanding, and rigor in setting. An experience that will be useful not only for those who have difficulty understanding Italian, but also for all those who want to improve their English: the speakers are native speakers, have good voices, speak slowly and clearly :-) A useful experience that thus combines learning art history with learning English.

The first episode of the podcast comes out today and is already available: it is dedicated to Paolo Uccello. The English episodes will also have fact sheets (also in English, of course) as for the Italian episodes: this is an absolute novelty in this case because the 2011 episodes had been published without a fact sheet (although as of today the fact sheets are also available for the four pilot episodes).

So it only remains for us to wish you good listening also with the English version of Windows on Art!

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.